Jordan might have been fate’s way of helping her help Jordan. It might be the key that would help him let go of his guilt. If she could only figure out how to help him.
“Chloe, are you hiding?” Jordan called from the top of the steps.
“No.” She hollered, but she was sure he could hear her guilt, just like her Granny always knew when she was lying. “Just dealing with the laundry.”
He descended the stairs and watched her from the bottom step. “I haven’t done laundry in a while, but I’m pretty sure it never took me this long to fold things from the dryer.”
“Okay, fine. I’m hiding.” She turned to face him, certain she had guilty stamped all over her face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was your phone. I saw it there, and it looked like mine. I just grabbed it.”
“I’ll forget about it if you forgive me for being such a jerk since I walked through your door.”
“I was never angry at you…well okay, I was earlier. But you deserved that.” Way to make an apology.
“You’re right, I did.” He grinned, letting her off the hook. “Come upstairs and let me make it up to you.”
* * *
After his conversation with Megan, he realized he could face his pain and fear or he could let it continue to cripple him. Maybe he’d just met Chloe, but she could quite possibly be the best thing in his life. He found some spare blankets and took pillows from the bedrooms upstairs to make a bed up in front of the fire. He lit candles around the living room and added wood, stoking the flames.
Tonight he was going to show Chloe the affection he felt for her. He would make tonight count, and live like there wouldn’t be a tomorrow. You never know when your number’s up. James always said that…
Tonight, for the first time in a long time, he wanted to reap the benefit of being alive. He wanted to live.
Leading Chloe into the living room with her eyes closed, reminded him of Christmas morning as a kid. When she opened her eyes, he could tell she was surprised.
“Chloe, I made a mistake earlier. But I hope you will give me the chance to correct my ways.”
“What do you have in mind?” A playful smile softened her face.
He answered with a kiss. “You’re beautiful. Come.” He pulled her towards the fireplace.
Easing down next to her on the blankets, he faced her so he could stare into her eyes. “Since I walked through that door, I wanted to protect you from me, but I can’t keep myself away from you. I’m a protector; it’s what I do. But I can’t protect you from myself. If you want me to stop just say so. You deserve so much more than I can give you, but I want you. You scare the hell out of me, because I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you—like a lit match in a powder magazine.”
“Jordan, you’re what I want.”
He placed a hand on the side of her face. “I hope I can live up to it.” He kissed her. Their lips met with passion and desire. The air sizzled around them.
He broke their kiss to lift her sweater over her head. “You have too many clothes on.”
“You too.” She grabbed the waist of his sweater and pulled it over his head.
He laid her back to rest against the pillows before pulling her jeans down her legs. Her cute pink panties called to him, grabbing them with his teeth and pulled them. She laughed at him. “You’re beautiful.” He kissed his way back up, taking time to kiss her flat stomach. Moving her pink and white bra aside he trailed wet, teasing kisses to each of her hard dusky pink nipples. He wanted to linger, but the faint shadow of bruises on her neck stilled him.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, throat tight.
“Shh…it’s okay. You didn’t hurt me. You stopped. I’m right here.” She tugged him upwards and fused her mouth to his, silencing his objections.
Never again. I’ll never hurt her again. He pulled away long enough to shed his clothes. Her gaze scorched as it swept over him.
“Do you like what you see,
Steve Miller, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller