to tell them about all 'the problems I'd been having in school, and it might 'be awkward to introduce them to my tutor.
As it was, she left in plenty of time. I even had a few minutes to put away my schoolbooks and pull out the goodies I'd saved for our meeting: a big box of Milk Duds, a bag of Sour Patch Kids, and, for Stacey and whoever else was in the mood, some nacho cheeseflavored popcorn.
Then, I opened a drawer and pulled out something I'd 'received in the mail just the day before. I looked down at it and smiled. Today was the day. I wanted to forget about all my troubles in school. I wanted to pretend that everything was fine. I wanted my friends to see me as the fun-loving, happy Claudia they knew and loved. If this didn't do the trick, nothing would! I heard the front door slam, and then the unmistakable sound of Kristy thumping up the stairs. Quickly, I shoved 'the tiny box into my pocket. I'd wait until everyone was there.
"Hey, Kristy," I said, as she came in.
"How's it going?" she asked me.
"Great," I answered honestly. I did feel pretty good about things. First of all, being accepted into Serena McKay's class had been a real boost. (I'd already told all my friends about that. They were thrilled for me.) And secondly, Rosa was a terrific tutor. I had a feeling that if she couldn't help me catch up in school, nobody could.
Stacey arrived next (looking sophisticated-yet-casual in a khaki skirt with a white blouse), and Mary Anne walked in right behind her. Abby arrived next, still glowing from her soccer practice, and last but not least were Mal and Jessi.
I checked my digital clock. It was only 5:27. For once, everybody was early. Perfect! I passed the Milk Duds to Mary Anne, the Sour Patch Kids to Jessi, and the popcorn to Stacey. "Back in a second," I said, walking out the door. I headed for the bathroom and prepared my surprise. Then I sauntered back into my room.
Kristy, leaning back in the director's chair, was just starting to call the meeting to order. "I hereby - whoa!" she exclaimed, almost falling over when she caught sight of me. Then the others looked up and saw me.
Everybody reacted at once.
"Claudia, I don't believe it!" cried Stacey. "A nose ring?" "You're crazy," said Abby.
"Your parents are going to kill you," said Jessi, shaking her head.
"I think it looks cool," declared Mal.
"What happens when you have a cold?" Mary Anne asked, with a worried look on her face.
"Claudia," said Kristy firmly. "Have you lost your mind?" I cracked up. Just the reaction I'd been hoping for. "Nope!" I said. Then I reached up and pulled off the nose ring. "It's not as if I pierced my nose," I explained. "It's a clip-on. A fake. I ordered it from a magazine. I thought it would be a great addition to whatever costume I wear to the Halloween dance." "Oh, my lord!" said Stacey. She cracked up, and the others did, too. Then I had to pass the nose ring around (I wiped it off carefully) for everyone to look at more closely. Meanwhile, Kristy declared the meeting brought to order, and the phone began to ring.
My plan had worked. I'd distracted my friends - and myself.
Then, between phone calls, Mary Anne spoke up. "Claudia," she began, putting her hand on my shoulder. "What's really going on with you? I've noticed that you seem kind of upset lately. And now the nose ring trick. I have a feeling you're trying to run away from something." Trust Mary Anne to pick up on how I really felt.
As soon as she said that, the floodgates opened. I started to sniff, and then the tears began to fall for real. I confessed everything.
Why had I even tried to hide my troubles? My friends are the greatest. Not only did they promise to support me in every way possible, but they even agreed to make sure my babysitting load was light over the next few weeks, so that I could put all my energy into my schoolwork and my art class.
"No way do we want to lose you," said Kristy, reminding me of the time my parents almost made me quit the BSC 'because I
Margot Theis Raven, Mike Benny