Claiming the Knights

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Book: Read Claiming the Knights for Free Online
Authors: S.E. Leonard
room. His phone buzzed on the way there. It was Jewl.
    Jewl: Miss you... thinkin bout you. Come see me when u can. <3
                  He typed out a quick text back to her.
    Drifter: Got club biz tonite. See you soon.
                  He was pretty sure he was falling hard for her. He really didn't know what that meant since he hadn't ever felt that in his whole fuckin' life, except maybe towards Jack, the previous pres, or his club brothers, that were always there for him.
                  He secretly hated to leave her, and couldn't wait to get back to her. He would kill for her. Were those things love? Maybe. He only wanted her, and the thought of some other guy stickin' his dick in her, sent him over the fuckin' edge. He had claimed her, but no vest yet. Just on his bike, and in his bed, and he thought Dean was an ass. It was time to get that bitch a vest.
                  He placed a call to the clubs custom leather supplier, and put in his order, and then had an anxiety attack about it. Happy, and freaked the fuck out, at the same time.
                  He decided to make a few calls. See if he couldn't find a local hit man.
                  Within an hour, he had a phone number. He traced it, and didn't come up with anything. He knew it must be a burner phone, and was going to have to call it. He was instructed to call between eight and ten PM. So he waited. Keeping this to himself, was killing him. He had to figure out how he was going to make the call, and find out for sure if it was Joel.
                  Several hours later, Drifter was sitting in front of a trailer park. He had followed Joel home. He used one of the club cars. His bike would have been way too noisy. He got out of the car, and walked into the park, looking up and down each little lane for Joel's pickup, finally spotting it. It was dusk. He looked at his phone and it was a little after eight. He pulled out his burner phone.
                  “Joel here.” He heard on the line, after several rings. Fuck, that was easy. He continued to walk past the front of the mobile home. What kinda hit man states his fuckin' name?
                  “How much?” Drifter said, in a low voice. He could make out a figure in the window, holding a phone. Yep, it was him. As if the name announcement wasn't enough.
                  “Depends on what you're lookin' for,” Joel replied.
                  Drifter started back towards the car. “Just need it done fast, and soon,” Drifter replied.
                  “75 large. Email me the details, and wire the money. Destroy your phone,” Joel said.
                  “I'll think about it,” Drifter said. He hung up, and stomped his phone into the asphalt.
                  Drifter knew that he had to take this to Pres, asap. He was going to give it till the morning. He wanted to see Jewl and he knew that Joel would stick around to find out if this next hit would pan out.
                  Excited to surprise his woman with a visit, he pulled up to Jewl's little house, on his bike. Parked it in the carport, and went to open the door. It was locked, so he knocked. Nothing. What the FUCK?
                  Within seconds, he was standing in the kitchen, and the door was still swinging on its upper hinges, hanging cockeyed. He had just gone through the fuckin' thing, scared to death that something had happened. That is when he heard it.
                  Moaning and grunting, coming from her room. He walked down the hall, without being quiet. There was music blaring and they were being so loud, they didn't hear the door getting torn off its hinges, or the boots coming down the hall.
                  Drifter turned the knob. As he opened the door, he closed his eyes. Just like when he, as a kid and bad

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