Chasing Perfect

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Book: Read Chasing Perfect for Free Online
Authors: Susan Mallery
in all the world, it had to be him.

    C HARITY TURNED TO find Josh standing next to her in the lobby. He was just as tall as she remembered, his tousled hair looking more gold than blond in the flattering light. His hazel-green eyes crinkled slightly at the corners as his mouth curved up in an easy smile. He was very possibly the best-looking man she’d ever seen in person. And hey, she’d seen his naked butt again just a few hours earlier. Talk about making it difficult to concentrate.
    â€œI’m Josh,” he said. “We met in the mayor’s office.”
    She nearly choked on a laugh. As if she would forget. “Yes,” she said, hoping she sounded calm and completely unaffected by his presence. “Earlier this week. You took over my meeting, then closed the deal. I remember.”
    â€œYou’re not pissed about that, are you?”
    She was many things—confused about why her body had to react to him the way it did. Annoyed that he’d had access to information she couldn’t get and had therefore done a better job than her at the presentation. Hungry and tired. But she wasn’t pissed.
    â€œI’m fine,” she assured him. “We needed to get theuniversity to sign and that’s what happened. I should probably thank you.”
    She paused, hoping he would excuse himself to get back to whatever…or whoever…brought him to the hotel. Instead he continued to look at her.
    She tried not to feel his gaze, or react to it. A task that took way more effort than it should have.
    After a few seconds of staring at him and watching him stare back, she said, “I don’t want to keep you from your evening.”
    â€œYou’re not.” He pointed to the stairs. “Shall we?”
    â€œShall we what?”
    â€œClimb. We’re neighbors. You’re 301, and I’m 303.”
    He put his hand on the small of her back, as if to guide her up the stairs. Instinctively, she moved with the pressure, refusing to acknowledge the bolts of electricity zigging and zagging in every direction. There was heat radiating from each of his fingers—a heat that made her desperately long for bare skin on skin, an unused closet and fifteen minutes alone with Josh.
    Blood sugar, she told herself. She had low blood sugar.
    â€œWhy do you live at a hotel?” she asked, mostly to distract herself.
    â€œWhy not? It’s centrally located, there’s room service and someone else makes my bed every morning.”
    â€œThe ultimate in not taking responsibility for your life?” she asked, then wished she hadn’t. So much for a flip answer.
    Instead of getting annoyed, Josh chuckled. A low, sexy, appealing sound that made her break out in goosebumps.
    â€œBecause taking responsibility is the height of perfection?” he asked.
    â€œIt’s a sign of maturity.”
    â€œA quality that’s highly overrated.”
    For him, she thought grimly. She’d been responsible for taking care of herself since she was nine or ten years old. She’d always envied those who were carefree enough to not have to worry. Those who knew they would be looked after by others. That hadn’t been an option for her. Her mother had been the free spirit in the family, leaving Charity to make sure their world ran smoothly.
    Charity had always loved her mother and wished she was different in equal measures. Sure it was fun to have a parent who never said you had to go to school or do homework, but there were also times when a kid wanted structure and rules. Charity had learned to provide those for herself.
    They reached the third floor. She hurried ahead, wanting to reach her room and escape inside. Some how, though, he got in front of her and leaned against her door.
    â€œWe should have a drink sometime,” he said, his hazel-green eyes gazing into hers and making every cell in her body sigh in appreciation.
    â€œI’m not sure

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