Chance to Be King

Read Chance to Be King for Free Online

Book: Read Chance to Be King for Free Online
Authors: Sue Brown
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Gay
be ignoring Eric for the moment. "…so if you have any reports, address them to me rather Mr. Pawlowski…" Thomas paused. "I don't think I've seen you before."
"Sayers. My name is Peter Sayers, I'm new to the area. We'll need to talk to Mr. Palas—"
"Pawlowski," corrected Thomas.
    Sayers inclined his head. "Mr. Pawlowski, tomorrow. And the police will want to talk to him as well."
    "That's fine, Mr. Sayers. We'll be at home all day. Come along, Eric." Thomas gripped Eric under the arm and turned him towards his truck. "Let's get out of here before they decide they want to talk to you tonight rather than tomorrow," he urged quietly.
"But—" Eric stumbled, his tiredness making it difficult for him to form a coherent thought.
    "You need somewhere to stay and they need to talk to both of us. Two birds with one stone." Obviously seeing Eric's incomprehension, Thomas added, "Let me do the thinking and you do the sleeping, okay?"
"Toby and Millie…" Eric's head snapped up. "I need to bring the dogs."
Thomas rolled his eyes. "They're invited, too."
    Eric nodded gratefully. At last something he could understand. Obediently he followed Thomas away from the scene and towards his SUV, climbing in —well, slumping in, really— when Thomas opened the passenger door for him. Toby and Millie piled onto the back seat, whimpering slightly.
Thomas was just walking around the front of the vehicle when the fireman jogged up to them.
    "Uh, Mr. Pawa— Pawlowski," he corrected himself, "Just one question. Where did you store the gasoline for your vehicle?
    Eric frowned, his tired brain finding it hard to process the officer's question. "What gasoline? I didn't bring any with me, just what was in the truck."
    The fireman frowned as well. "We found a metal can near the cottage. As far as we can tell it was the accelerant used in the fire."
    "I didn't keep any at the cottage," interjected Thomas, "And there was none there before Eric— Mr. Pawlowski arrived."
Peter Sayers nodded. "No question about whether it is arson, then. We'll need to ask you more questions." he said, looking at Eric.
    Thomas shook his head. "You surely can, but tomorrow. He's had a huge shock and he's dead on his feet."
    The fireman looked as if he was about to argue but Thomas pre-empted him by getting in the truck. Eric slumped gratefully back against the leather seats as he was driven away. As they drove Eric realized he had no clue where he was going. Thomas didn't seem to need to talk and the shock of the night's events combined with the late hour soon lulled Eric into an uneasy sleep.
He woke to his arm being shaken slightly. "Come on, sleepy. Jeez dude, you're too big for me to carry you in."
    "Huh?" Reluctantly, Eric cracked one eye open to discover Thomas giving him an amused, if exasperated, grin.
    "Time for bed, sleepyhead." He ruffled Eric's hair, grimacing as his hand came away covered in soot. "You need a shower."
"Mmmm," agreed Eric.
    He almost fell out of the SUV, vaguely realizing they were now in a garage. Thomas steadied him, checking to make sure Eric was upright before calling the dogs and leading him into the main house.
    "I'll show to your room. The grand tour can wait until tomorrow. If you fall down, just make sure you miss me, okay?"
    "Uh-huh." Eric nodded and followed his host up the stairs, almost tripping over the dogs as they tried to stay as close as possible.
    Thomas showed him into a large room, turning on the bedside light to provide a dim illumination. "The bathroom is over here and there are fresh towels in the linen closet. Do you want a shower now?"
    "No." What Eric wanted was to be unconscious, like now! "But I stink of smoke and I think my clothes are stuck to me in places." He winced as sore places all over his body made themselves known.
Frowning, Thomas asked, "Are you sure you weren't burnt?"
"No I think I'd be in more pain if I was. I'm pretty sure I'm just a little singed."
"I'll leave you to get freshened up.

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