Caught: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (His Domination Book 2)

Read Caught: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (His Domination Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Caught: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (His Domination Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Cynthia Dane
Tags: alpha billionaire romance
awoke the next morning. Birds chirped on the tree branch outside the window to Henry’s spacious bedroom. Best of all, the chilly air wasn’t so chilly beneath his plush comforter… and the firm arm holding Monica’s body to Henry as he continued to doze in the crook of her neck.
    Monica tried to go back to sleep, but was too frustrated. Not emotionally, but physically. After all that build up yesterday evening, Henry informed her that she would get no relief until Tuesday at the earliest. Monica was agreeable only because it was a part of her role. Inside, she was screaming to have him do her at any moment.
    She didn’t even care about the kink anymore. All right, so she cared. But not to the extent that she would demand it. I was sent to bed so aroused I almost had a dream. A dream in which Henry held her to him much like he did now, only with his cock thrusting into her from behind.
    Monica would be more irate about it if she didn’t know this was a part of their ongoing scene. Even last night, when they cuddled on the couch and watched a movie while sipping wine, Monica knew they were more in a scene than not. Henry was keeping his princess locked in a palatial tower so he could take his time with her. Why not, when he got an orgasm even if Monica did not? He’s denying me. It seemed to be one of Henry’s favorite games. Rile Monica up and then make her beg for it for twice as long. Well, there would be no begging right now. Not until he asked for it.
    Then Monica would turn on the begging like her life depended on it.
    Henry woke up not long after her. “Good morning,” he mumbled, rubbing his hand on her arm and looking at the time. “Bad news, lovely. I have a couple of short meetings this morning. I hope you don’t mind. You’ll have me for the rest of the day afterward and then all day tomorrow.”
    “That’s fine.” What was she supposed to say? “I can wait for you here.”
    “I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.” Henry got up and went to the bathroom while Monica stretched and admired the view outside. Not too much, since she was dressed in her underwear and hadn’t brought a robe. When Henry emerged dressed in a casual suit, he plopped a box on the unmade bed. “Open it.”
    Monica hopped onto bed and brought the box toward her. Inside was a lacy purple negligee that looked like it would barely cover her. It’s lovely. It wasn’t red or black, but it was a healthy mix of the two. Monica hardly wore enough purple, when she thought about it.
    “Put it on.”
    Henry was fastening his cufflinks and applying cologne. I guess he wants me to model at seven in the morning. Monica obliged, pulling the lingerie over her torso and letting the lace settle on her breasts and around her hips. It fit just right.
    “Good to know I guessed your size correctly. Never know how that’s going to turn out.” Henry rounded the bed and drew her into a kiss. “You’re beautiful. The perfect gown to wear to our ball today.”
    “A ball for you and me. I’m so smitten with you that I plan to keep you entirely to myself today.” He squeezed her, hand roaming toward her rear. “I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of, but you’re to stay in here, all right? And keep this lovely thing on for when I get back.”
    Then will we make proper love? Monica remained still as he kissed and nipped her bottom lip. “I will.”
    “That’s an order.” His stern voice was authoritative enough to make Monica shiver. “I’m going to have breakfast downstairs with a colleague. I’ll make sure some is sent up for you. Use the bedroom and bathroom as you please.”
    “And the den?” Monica asked, gesturing to the room they watched movies in last night.
    Henry released her and stepped away. “I don’t think so. I want you to stay in here and think about what you’ve done.”
    “What have I done?”
    He stopped shy of the door. “Stolen my heart. You’ll be disciplined for that indiscretion

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