Catharsis, Legend of the Lemurians
the last to step inside, as the door closed
and the ship took off. The Uglies watched the space vessel getting
smaller and smaller, until it was just a tiny glittering star. And
then, puff…it disappeared together with their children. The adults
slowly turned away and went back to their orphaned homes.
    M orf made himself
comfortable in his seat, as one by one the children around him fell
asleep. He struggled to stay awake. There were so many questions!
How long would their trip last? How did this ship operate? How come
it appeared so nebulous, yet was so solid? Where were they
    Mu materialized in front of him as if out of
thin air. “Not long; this ship is a Divine inter-dimensional
vessel, used in Universal rescue missions; it turns solid only for
those who are worthy; we are heading to planet Earth. Now go to
    “Thank you,” whispered Morf gratefully,
closing his eyes. He dreamed of the impossibly fast trip through
space, of the blinding white light and of the new and beautiful
planet. He woke up when the ship gently touched the ground and the
door opened.
    One by one the children filed out. They
stood in silence staring at the unknown land, which was to become
their new home. The bright yellow sun shone gently from the clear
blue sky above, illuminating the green grass underfoot and the
green forest not far away. In the distance ahead they noticed a big
body of water. It seemed that they were near a giant sea or
    The children saw small furry Elpets with
very large ears briskly hopping toward them. Used to the painful
encounters with Elpets on their planet, the children immediately
    “Don’t be afraid,” said Mu. “They are called rabbits . They are very gentle and trusting.”
    “These Elpets seem different,” remarked
Morf. “Do they bite?”
    “They are not electronic. They are real
animals, and they don’t bite. You can pet them.”
    “Real animals?” whispered a small boy in
awe. “I want one as a friend.”
    “Me too!”
    “And me!”
    “And me!”
    Children started petting the little animals,
laughing happily. These real animals they’d never seen before were
so soft and so wonderful! More animals of larger sizes came out of
the woods to greet the new arrivals.
    “These are called deer ,” commented
Mu. “They are also very gentle. You can pet them, too.”
    “Hello, deer,” said a little girl, petting a
doe. “You are so beautiful.”
    “Children,” said Mu, “welcome to your new
home! This planet is called the Earth . The continent I
brought you to is surrounded by big water and called the Land of
Zee . It’s a place of bounty, where you’ll find everything you
need—plenty of fruits and berries in the forest, and plenty of fish
in the rivers and sea. I will leave you with knowledge on how to
grow crops and build homes. I will teach you how to make fire,
clothes and necessary utensils.”
    With these words, Mu touched Morf’s Elder
crystal. “Morf, I have just transferred to you all the knowledge
necessary to survive and thrive on planet Earth. Now, in addition
to all the wisdom of your people, your crystal possesses the entire
wisdom of this planet. Pass it on to others by touching their
    Morf went around, touching the crystals of
the eight Elders. In turn, the Elders went around touching crystals
of the rest of the children. Those whose crystals received the
Earth’s wisdom passed it on to others, and soon all fifteen hundred
children possessed all of the wisdom and knowledge of their new
    “Now you are ready to call this land your
home,” said Mu. “I shall be leaving now, but I won’t be far. When
you need me, all you have to do is call for me.”
    “We thank you for all you’ve done for us,
Goddess Mu!” said Morf.
    “There is one thing,” said Mu. “I should
mention that you have neighbors. It is a very powerful race called
the Atlanteans who live in the West, on the continent of

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