Catharsis, Legend of the Lemurians
children hugged their parents for
the last time, preparing to step forward. And that’s when the
mystery of the parents’ meeting was revealed.
    “Children,” said Supreme Elder Alton. “We,
your parents, want to give you something special. Since we won’t be
able to protect you on your journey, we decided to give you each a
piece of the Lemurian Mother Crystal. Each of you will get a
crystal point from your parents. These points were carefully chosen
and personally broken off the Mother Crystal by your parents
earlier today. This is our farewell gift for you. The points are
attuned to the frequency of our planet and imbued with ancient
wisdom of our people. Also, each of them vibrates to the love
frequency of your parents. Because of that, these Lemurian crystals
will guard and protect you on your journey. And there is more.
These crystals will allow you to communicate telepathically with
each other and create a bond like no other.”
    With these words, Alton took out of his
purse a small crystal point and hung it around his little son’s
neck. All other parents did the same. Morf gratefully received his
own crystal, imbued with the tingling warmth of his parents’
    Mu observed the whole ritual silently. Then
she said quietly, “You do realize that this will weaken the
Crystalline Engine’s structure, and therefore it will further
weaken the planet. After these points leave Catharsis, there will
be even less chance of the planet’s survival.”
    “But our children will be safe,” responded
Ulan simply.
    After that, the nine Elders stepped forward,
heading towards nine different teenagers, five boys and four girls.
With great surprise, Morf noticed Alton heading to him.
    “We, the Elders, pass our Elder Lemurian
crystals, impregnated with ancient wisdom and spiritual power of
our people, to these nine worthy teenagers chosen by the Elder
Council, due to their outstanding gifts and achievements,”
announced Alton.
    He took off his Elder crystal and hung it
around Morf’s neck.
    “Morf, you have been chosen as the Supreme
Elder of the young Lemurians. Serve and protect your people with
love, dignity and devotion!”
    “I will,” responded Morf solemnly.
    Morf noticed Ulan heading to the pretty
sixteen-year-old girl from his neighboring village. “Loanna, you
have been chosen as an Elder of the young Lemurians. Serve and
protect your people with love, dignity and devotion,” said Ulan,
hanging his crystal around the girl’s neck.
    “I will,” responded Loanna.
    The ritual was repeated seven more times, as
all nine teenagers received the blessing of the Elders. In groups,
fifteen hundred young Lemurians started ascending into the
shimmering space ship, some of the older children holding the
youngest ones by the hand. The steps under their feet felt
nebulous, as if they were walking on air, but with every step they
solidified to support their weight. After the children passed, the
steps turned nebulous again. As the ship passengers were making
themselves comfortable inside, a commotion started.
    A group of Catharsians apparently decided to
make a break for it and ran as fast as they could toward the ship.
No one prevented them from doing so, but when they reached the
ship’s base and tried to climb the stairs, the steps wouldn’t
support their weight, causing their feet to fall through every time
they tried to mount them. They tried, and tried, and tried, until
they finally gave up. The steps that solidified to support the
ascending Uglies refused to do the same for Catharsians.
    The Uglies silently watched Catharsians’
unsuccessful attempts to flee the dying planet.
    “It won’t work,” said Mu, looking straight
at Catharsians with her huge, mesmerizing eyes. “You need to return
back to your homes.”
    Catharsians stared at Mu for a moment as if
in a trance, and then obediently turned and went back to their
    “I will keep your children safe,” said Mu to the
sobbing Uglies. She was

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