Catching Moonlight (Man Season)

Read Catching Moonlight (Man Season) for Free Online

Book: Read Catching Moonlight (Man Season) for Free Online
Authors: Mila McClung
Tags: Fantasy, Contemporary Romance, paranormal romance
way that brought her higher and higher into the rainbow. He
grunted, shook all over. She enveloped him with all four limbs, drew him deeper
within her, unable to see anything but the colors and the emerald fire in his
    They spent the night in his bed,
curled up like babes in a womb. Toby listened to his breathing, took comfort in
its rhythm. Her thoughts were dancing from one idea to another. She could see
them living there together, reading and watching the sunsets, and making love.
But then she wondered how she could tell her mother that she wasn’t coming
home, wasn’t going to Stanford, or studying anywhere else. Moonsea was her home now – she wanted no part of the rest of the world. But would she
always feel that way? What about ten, twenty years down the line, when she
started to look older and Dio didn’t? And after she
passed on, he’d be alone again. Who would take care of him then? Developers
might come in, people like Stephan, and tear down the ruin. Oh, she could go
nuts thinking about all the ‘what ifs’!
    “Let your worries go,” Dio whispered in the dark. “Just enjoy us being together,
while you can.”
    He kissed her softly, he tasted salty like the sea. Toby was suddenly hungry again, urged him into a
position to take advantage of his late-night hard-on. She bent down, took it
full into her mouth; savored the flavor, licking it slowly until he moaned low.
She drew him up into a thrilling frenzy, working him with her hands and tongue.
She’d never done that before, only read about it in books – but she blessed
them for teaching her how to make him growl with pleasure. He rose, centered
her hips on the bed and dug his own tongue into her wet, pulsating skin. She
squealed, gave herself over to vertigo, clutching the sheets to hold on while
the shadows careened about her. Dio knew
instinctively that she was on the edge – he jumped up and drove himself into
her. The bed seemed on the verge of a breakdown, whining and creaking and
buckling beneath their bouncing hips. The waves of a euphoric, divine passion shot
through them over and over – each time sending them spiraling towards the
ceiling. Then they’d crash and burn and go again. The end came finally, in a
crescendo of colors and moonlight and deliciously hot sweat. Dio fell beside her, heaving like an old man having a heart
attack. Toby matched him breath for breath, thinking if she died right then and
there she couldn’t complain.
    “Unreal!” she sighed, laughing at the
workout he’d given her. “If you keep on like that, we might both die of
    “It would be worth it.”
    “ Dio , what
would happen to you if someone did break the spell?”
    “I don’t know. I suppose I would
crumble to dust like a vampire in an old movie.”
    “Kosmas has been showing you some of
his DVDs, hasn’t he?”
    “Yes. But truly, I don’t know what
would happen to me. I’ve imagined the worst, and the best, which would be for
me to start aging, slowly, as all humans do.”
    “Is that possible? Wouldn’t it be
    “It would, but I’m more inclined to
believe it will happen in the worst way. And, before I met you, I wouldn’t have
cared. I’d be glad to be done with it. But now, I want to live, to be with you,
    He kissed her again. They settled
into each other’s arms and watched the sunrise then fell into a blissful sleep.
    The grating music from a Cruise ship
woke them. Toby stretched, peered out a tiny window Dio had chiseled out of the cliff- side wall. The ship was passing by the island,
probably on its way to Crete , which was nearby. She could see the passengers running
around like ants on the multiple decks – frantic, busy people, seemingly afraid
to stop and relax. They hurried their lives away, became old before their time.
    “I think I’ll call my mom today, Dio ,” she sighed. He was lying close to her, massaging her
nipples to watch them grow hard under his fingers. He nipped at one; she

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