Cat Among the Pigeons

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Book: Read Cat Among the Pigeons for Free Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
it. Inelastic type. That’s the F.O. training. Not an opportunist. I’ll send round what’s his name.”
    â€œThat’s right,” Colonel Pikeaway nodded approval. “Getting to know what I mean quite well, ain’t you?”
    â€œI try my best, sir.”
    â€œTrying’s not enough. You have to succeed. Send me along Ronnie first. I’ve got an assignment for him.”
    Colonel Pikeaway was apparently just going off to sleep again when the young man called Ronnie entered the room. He was tall, dark, muscular, and had a gay and rather impertinent manner.
    Colonel Pikeaway looked at him for a moment or two and then grinned.
    â€œHow’d you like to penetrate into a girls’ school?” he asked.
    â€œA girls’ school?” The young man lifted his eyebrows. “That will be something new! What are they up to? Making bombs in the chemistry class?”
    â€œNothing of that kind. Very superior high-class school. Meadowbank.”
    â€œMeadowbank!” the young man whistled. “I can’t believe it!”
    â€œHold your impertinent tongue and listen to me. PrincessShaista, first cousin and only near relative of the late Prince Ali Yusuf of Ramat, goes there this next term. She’s been at school in Switzerland up to now.”
    â€œWhat do I do? Abduct her?”
    â€œCertainly not. I think it possible she may become a focus of interest in the near future. I want you to keep an eye on developments. I’ll have to leave it vague. I don’t know what or who may turn up, but if any of our more unlikeable friends seem to be interested, report it … A watching brief, that’s what you’ve got.”
    The young man nodded.
    â€œAnd how do I get in to watch? Shall I be the drawing master?”
    â€œThe visiting staff is all female.” Colonel Pikeaway looked at him in a considering manner. “I think I’ll have to make you a gardener.”
    â€œA gardener?”
    â€œYes. I’m right in thinking you know something about gardening?”
    â€œYes, indeed. I ran a column on Your Garden in the Sunday Mail for a year in my younger days.”
    â€œTush!” said Colonel Pikeaway. “That’s nothing! I could do a column on gardening myself without knowing a thing about it—just crib from a few luridly illustrated Nurseryman’s catalogues and a Gardening Encyclopedia. I know all the patter. ‘ Why not break away from tradition and sound a really tropical note in your border this year? Lovely Amabellis Gossiporia, and some of the wonderful new Chinese hybrids of Sinensis Maka foolia. Try the rich blushing beauty of a clump of Sinistra Hopaless, not very hardy but they should be all right against a west wall. ’” He broke off and grinned. “Nothing to it! The fools buy the things and early frost sets in and kills them and they wish they’dstuck to wallflowers and forget-me-nots! No, my boy, I mean the real stuff. Spit on your hands and use the spade, be well acquainted with the compost heap, mulch diligently, use the Dutch hoe and every other kind of hoe, trench really deep for your sweet peas—and all the rest of the beastly business. Can you do it?”
    â€œAll these things I have done from my youth upwards!”
    â€œOf course you have. I know your mother. Well, that’s settled.”
    â€œIs there a job going as a gardener at Meadowbank?”
    â€œSure to be,” said Colonel Pikeaway. “Every garden in England is short staffed. I’ll write you some nice testimonials. You’ll see, they’ll simply jump at you. No time to waste, summer term begins on the 29th.”
    â€œI garden and I keep my eyes open, is that right?”
    â€œThat’s it, and if any oversexed teenagers make passes at you, Heaven help you if you respond. I don’t want you thrown out on your ear too soon.”
    He drew a sheet of paper towards

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