Carnevale and Subterfuge
face relaxed in sleep, surfaced in his mind. His body tightened as warmth swept through him in a gentle caress, heating his skin, hardening his cock.
    “Diego?” his mother said.
    Clenching his jaw he turned back to her. Just one look at her pale face, death with its hand on her shoulder, made him want to run far away. The con was about fun, playing Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to himself or a few deserving souls who wouldn’t squander the wealth he offered. He only took what he needed, not too much, just enough to rub in the humiliation. Death was now a factor into the equation. The con wasn’t fun. It was now a job.
    “There is a con involved, but you’ll understand it once you get to Veritas 10,” his mother said.
    “You’re asking me to expose myself or risk getting caught.”
    “It will be worth it, I assure you. This is very important to me. The ambassador…is important to me.” Her words were low, almost a whisper; her features had softened. There was a look in her eyes, an almost intent gaze that made Diego look away. It was the visage a lover had when she thought of her beloved.
    Diego’s mind turned to Anarrae. If he were to pursue her, would his face hold that same look?He shook his head.
    “Everything you need to know will be told to you once you reach Veritas 10,” his mother continued. “I wouldn’t ask you to take the risk if there weren’t any rewards in it. I promise you, it will be worth it. Will you do this favor for me?”
    Diego knew the answer he had to give. He pushed his other complication aside. “I’ll take it. You better be alive when I finish my job, understand? I want to talk to you when this is all over.”
    “You know me. I can’t let things go. I will fight as long as I have strength and if I need to I will implant my brain in an AI. Will that do?”
    “No need to go to all that trouble for me. Just don’t die and I’ll be good.” He shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. Anarrae took a backseat to this mission from his mother. As much as he was intrigued with his latest lover, he just couldn’t allow himself to get distracted by anything else. If he did interact with Anarrae on the ship while doing his duty, he would have to keep it to pleasantries despite the warmth still pulsing in his body. Duty was at war with sexual desire.
    “Just in case, Roberto will go with you. He is already employed by the ambassador. Roberto will cover all your needs and get you the proper paperwork. I suggest you gather your things and get ready to leave at the end of the weekend. Go back to that young lady you pulled.”
    Diego stumbled back, shocked that his mother knew about Anarrae.
    “I know everything you do. Your AI tells me all.” She smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement.
    Diego growled and looked down at his wrist. His AI remained silent. The small screen remained black, as if she was hiding.
    “I’ll deal with her later. You remain alive. I have to go now.” He nodded his head at his mother and left the room.
    Roberto rushed after him. “Diego, where are you going? I need to talk to you. We need to discuss this assignment.”
    Diego turned and faced his brother, pale green eyes clashing with gray. “Later. We’ll talk before I go. First I have to deal with Anarrae.”
    “Go on. Go be the responsible brother. Take care of our mother until we go. I have to talk to Ana before I let her go. Let me do this.”
    Roberto looked conflicted. His younger brother had always wavered between two masters, his father and his mother. Now it was Diego and duty.
    “I promise. Before we go on this mission we’ll talk, get things right. After all, you’re in my world now.” He placed a hand on Roberto’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. A piece of his heart fell away. This was the first time in months that he and his brother had had a full conversation. Now that Diego had the time, he took in the sight of his brother. There were dark circles under his

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