Capturing Caroline
stopped, but he pushed her straight into another.
The ecstasy seemed to go on and on until it slowly receded, leaving
her relaxed, drained, and panting.
    Torrent crawled
up her body tucked himself against her, looking down into her face.
Feeling drugged, she could barely open her eyes. "That was quick,"
he said with a grin.
    She reached up,
caught his nape with her hand pulled his lips down to meet hers.
Their tongues tangled and he shuddered against her with lust. She
could taste herself faintly on his mouth.
    Breaking the
kiss, she smiled, pleased at his reaction to her. “I bet I could
make you come pretty quick too.”
    He raised an
eyebrow. “I doubt it, but I like the challenge. I’d love to
see you try.”
    "I have an
idea. Let's do it together," she murmured.
    He gave her a
lingering kiss. "All in good time. You’re exhausted yet from our
    Sadly, he was
right. Her eyelids were growing heavier by the moment. Content as a
kitten in cream, she curled up against his chest and he tucked her
protectively against him. Morning sunlight poured into the room via
the window, but she couldn’t find the slightest reason to move from
his warm embrace. If the world let her, she’d stay just like this
    Both of them
must have drifted off because they jerked awake sometime later to
the sound of someone pounding on the door.
extricated himself from her and leapt out of the bed as though
concerned it might be trouble. He stumbled sleepily toward the door
and raced downstairs to answer the door.
    Pushing up into
a sitting position, she strained to hear the conversation. Someone
laughed and it sounded just like Paige.
    She pushed the
covers aside and hurried to get dressed in a pair of loose pants
and a knitted sweater. Finding a pair of soft socks and boots, she
shoved her feet into them and raced downstairs, combing her unruly
hair with her fingers.
    At the bottom
of the stairs, she met her sisters. They all hugged for what seemed
like forever until they could all get it together enough to calm
down and talk. Her throat clogged with emotion, she could barely
form words. She couldn’t remember ever in her life being this
happy—she was with her family.
    Because of
their shared experience with their stepmother, they were especially
close. It also helped that they were only a year apart apiece. When
she’d been on the flip side of the veil, Caroline had not coped
well with the disappearance of her sisters and she was beyond happy
to have found them again. She was so happy they’d both found
    Once she was
able to pull herself away from her sisters, she made a point of
chatting a little with each of their spouses. All of them—Kaitlyn’s
and Paige’s—men were incredibly gorgeous and seemed smart and very
caring. In Caroline’s eyes, however, they didn’t hold a candle to
Torrent in any way. Sad wistfulness descended on her as she watched
him talk and laugh with the other men.
    Could it truly
be that he was her soul mate?
    If so, was she
truly destined to know him for such a short time and then lose him?
It was possible. She didn’t have to ask if life could be so
cruel…she knew it could.
    * * * *
    Caroline curled
up at the end of the couch, resting her head on the armrest. In
front of her a strong fire burned in the hearth. She smiled and
sighed, savoring the luxury of being warm, safe and well fed. Since
her ordeal, she’d never take those things for granted again.
    She was also
savoring the memories of the day, which had been filled with her
sisters and her new brothers-in-law…all four of them. She
was still getting used to that.
    Torrent sank
down next to her and pulled her against him. “What are you thinking
    “That I haven’t
been this happy in a long time.”
    He tipped her
chin to look into her eyes. “Me either.”
    She smiled.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m still weirded out by this whole situation.
Sometimes I think I must have suffered some kind of

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