Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart
his perusal and the way it made her feel.
Silently, she prayed he would sit down first so she could pick a seat far away
from him. Finally, he placed his hand on the small of her back, sending more
tremors through her, and guided her forward.
    "Sit here, Angelica."
    She sat on the couch he indicated,
then he sat beside her. He clapped his hands together and an array of servants
appeared carrying a multitude of covered dishes. They set up a low table in
front of Kadin and her, and one of the servants placed a tall candelabra on the
table. The lights dimmed as the woman lit the candles, filling the room with a
warm glow. Soon the table was filled with serving platters full of spicy,
colorful foods. Angelica didn't recognize any of them, but the lovely aromas
set her mouth watering. Someone poured wine from an ornate, glass decanter into
tall, crystal goblets. Finally, all the servants left. One covered dish
remained and she glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.
    "Yes, that," he said. "I
wasn't sure if you would enjoy our cuisine so I had this brought in." He
lifted the lid and, underneath, was a McDonald's Big Mac, fries, and a
    It looked so out of place among the
elaborate feast he'd set out. She covered her mouth with one hand, stifling a
    "They have such … restaurants
… at the airport." He tipped his head and his expression grew taut as he
noticed tears escaping her eyes. "Have I displeased you?"
    "No." She wiped a tear of
suppressed laughter from her eye. She hadn't meant to insult him, but so much
had happened to her in the past twelve hours that the thought of some sultan,
or whatever he was, buying her fast food at the airport and placing it amongst
this scrumptious feast, all while punishing her, had just sent her over the
    In fact, she found the gesture
rather sweet.
    "It was very kind of you, but
I would far prefer the other dishes that I'm sure your … staff has spent a lot
of time preparing."
    There. Maybe that would make up for
her potentially insulting behavior.
    He nodded his head and smiled. She
seemed to have pleased him. Why did she find that thought pleased her?
    He smiled. "Good."
    Approval lit his charcoal eyes,
unnerving her a little. She reached for the goblet of wine and took a sip. Red
wine wasn't her favorite, but this one was superb, and it warmed her stomach
and relaxed her frazzled nerves. She took another sip.
    He helped her select foods,
recommending various dishes. She sipped wine and ate, enjoying everything he
offered. Finally, her stomach sated, the warmth of the wine talking the edge
off her nervousness, she sat back and sighed.
    "Ah, but you have left room
for something sweet, have you not?"
    He smiled and lifted a bunch of red
grapes from one of the platters. He pulled one from its stem and lifted it to
her mouth. He stroked it across her lips, sending a delicious tingling along
the sensitive skin. She parted her lips, and he eased the grape into her mouth.
She bit through the skin and the sweet nectar burst into her mouth.
    Gently, he grasped her hand,
surrounding it in warmth, and guided it toward him. She stiffened, wondering
what he was going to do, and relaxed as he placed a grape between her fingers
then drew her hand to his mouth. As he guided her to stroke the small globe
against his lips, the tip of his tongue slipped out and teased her fingertips
for a second before he grasped the grape in his teeth and drew it into his
mouth. He freed her hand and plucked another grape, then touched it to his
tongue, moistening it. He brought it to her mouth and stroked it across her
lips. She imagined it was his mouth touching hers. She flicked out her tongue
and touched the grape, wishing she was touching his tongue.
    Encouraged, he lifted her hand and
grazed his tongue across her palm. She sighed at the exquisite feel of him. He
kissed along her forearm, then nuzzled the inside of her elbow. She melted back
against the cushions. A moment later, he progressed to her

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