that way.
"Let's go settle this now," her mother said gesturing outside.
"It's not dark yet," Jeff said. "There's too many people that could see right now."
"Then our only option is to go to Mac's." Her mother smiled triumphantly.
"I could still go to the flower shop by myself." Naomi fingered the headband. Its magic should protect her.
"I already lost one child. I don't need to lose my daughter, too."
"Fine. We can go to Mac's, but I drive and I talk." Naomi bit her tongue to keep from saying anymore.
N AOMI STOOD IN FRONT OF Mac's door, reluctant to knock. She glanced back at her mother and the three men behind her. Now that she had driven to his condo, she was certain her original feeling was right. Dropping in unannounced on Mac was not a good idea.
"What are you waiting for?" her mother asked. "Just knock."
Naomi knocked. Although she thought if Mac's pranks scared Mindy, who was far older than she looked, then it was probably bad news to be here without his permission. Still, she obeyed her mother. She didn't have much of a choice. Either she had to stop trying to fight her mother or she had to have the chops to declare herself alpha. Naomi had no real intention of that, she was just frustrated that her mother's judgment seem to be so clouded because she was out of her element.
Mac opened the door. He wore the same red sweatpants and apron he had on last night. Naomi wondered if he ever changed clothes.
"Naomi!" he said smiling. "I take it none of these fine young men is your brother?"
Naomi shook her head no.
"Well, come in! Come in!" Mac said ushering them inside. Maybe her mother had been right, maybe this wasn't such a stupid idea. He had invited them in easily enough.
"Thank you, Mac," Naomi said. She introduced her mother and, for lack of the better word, her suitors. Mac took them all in and nodded. She explained that the men and her mother wanted his protection like he'd given Naomi. Her mother actually hung back and let her talk.
"Of course," Mac said. He grinned and had them sit them down on the slick black leather couch. The apartment smelled like cookies. Naomi didn't know if he'd been expecting them, but clearly he had been expecting someone or maybe he simply knew when people were coming. Maybe he had some sort of warning spell in place. Naomi didn't know how such things worked or could work.
"We looked for my brother and talked to his friends," Naomi said. "Didn't find much."
"Except, there was one lead," her mother said interrupting her. Naomi frowned. The woman couldn't contain herself. "There was a florist's van that almost hit him. We're going to follow up on that."
"As you should," Mac said to her mother just as his oven started to beep. "I know I can't do anything to ease your heart in your search, but I'd like to offer you all some cookies. If I don't know if Naomi's told you, but all of my guests get a cookie when they visit."
"Thank you," Mom said. Mac brought out a tray of chocolate chip cookies from the kitchen. The men were polite enough thanking him, even whiny Marcus seemed to appreciate the fresh-baked cookie. Naomi relaxed. Her mother had been right, coming here had been the right choice.
Mac offered her mother first choice. Mom took a cookie and started eating it right away, then he offered to cookies to the men, and finally to Naomi. Her mother bit into her cookie and started coughing like she were choking.
"Are you okay?" Jeff asked as Naomi's mother kept choking on the cookie. Mom shook her head, coughing and clutching her throat. Her mother stopped coughing, but kept clutching her throat. Naomi shoved passed the men as her mother's face turned blue.
Marcus and Ian also started coughing. Naomi tried slapping her mother on the back, but nothing. Mac was laughing now. Naomi put her two fists pinky side down on her mother's navel. She rolled her fists up so that her thumbs pressed against her mother's stomach, and yanked her hands in