they didn't know who to follow.
"Any luck?" Mom asked. She crossed her arms. Naomi nodded and told her about the flower truck.
"He didn't notice the truck. So what?" Ian said.
"Could you almost get hit by a truck?" Naomi asked. Ian shook his head."He should have heard and smelled it before he even saw it. I think they used some sort of magic to keep them from noticing they were following him."
"Magic?" Marcus asked." And you just want to march up to this flower shop and do what? Get our asses handed to us?"
"Last night, Mindy–"
"The vampire," Mom snorted.
"Her friend gave me magical protection. I should be okay."
Jeff shook his head. "What about normal weapons? A bullet, strong rope, you're still theirs."
"What friend is this?" Mom asked sharply.
"I don't know what he is, definitely not human and he was very careful not to ask what I was, but he gave me protection."
"They we will go to see him right now." Mom turned towards the door, expecting everyone to follow.
"I don't know if that's such a good idea." Naomi was unsettled by how deferential Mindy had been to Mac.
"Why not? It's the only thing we can do." The whole room was on pins and needles, waiting for Naomi to answer.
"Look, I can go to the flower shop alone. Mindy seemed… almost frightened of offending him or him playing a prank. I think he's dangerous."
"I thought you said they were friends." Her mother stopped pacing in front of Naomi. Mike drew back into his chair, frightened by her proximity. "Besides, we'll only be a few minutes."
Naomi touched the headband he had given her and shook her head. "He seemed old and I–"
"I'm sure the group of us can handle the little prank." Naomi's mom smiled. "I know what I'm doing."
"You know she drove. It was the full moon, I don't think I really know how to get there." Naomi figured she'd try a different tack. Mac did not deserve to deal with their dominance fight.
"Naomi," her mother said her name as if it were a threat.
"Look, I don't feel right just barging in on this guy. I'm the only one who knows where he lives, so you can just deal."
"Don't you dare talk to your mother that way." Naomi stood, her face inches from her mother's. Mike scooted away. The male weres braced themselves.
"You know what? No! You've been nothing but mean ever since you come down here. We're not the undisputed rulers here. We have to follow society's laws, not yours."
"Shut up!" Naomi's mother snapped.
"Maybe we should get this sorted out before we go anywhere else. No one deserves to put up with this bickering," Marcus said.
"I'm with you, Mark," said Ian. The farm boy stood, ready to drag the two women outside.
"Why don't we just go back to Naomi's house?" Jeff asked. Naomi can get her car back from the vampire and that will be that that. Then, the vampire comes and shows us where this guy lives, especially if Naomi is really worried about us getting lost."
"We only have so much time to find my fucking son or is everyone else not worried about that?"
"Cool it Aunt Meg. We'll find him. We won't let them kill him. Everything will fall into place–"
"Why?" Mom interrupted Jeff. "It won't just fall into place because we want it to be that way."
"You know what Mom? Maybe you should just go home. I'll handle it without you."
"I am NOT going home."
"Then you will listen to reason and you will shut up and we will drive back to my house. We need to regroup and stop this arguing."
"If you respected your alpha, there would be no fighting."
"If you acted reasonable I would," Naomi said.
"My son has been fucking kidnapped."
"Yeah, that son is my brother and I'm doing my best to try to find him and you're sabotaging us by acting like such a bitch." Naomi knew that one would sting. Between wolves, bitch was not an insult. They were supposed to be dominant women. They were wolves, technically bitches, but to her mother that would mean the human world was taking her over. At least, Naomi hoped her mother would react