Calling the Shots

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Book: Read Calling the Shots for Free Online
Authors: Annie Dalton
she’ll start to grieve properly and she’ll be really sad but basically OK.
    Honesty’s dad must have been well respected in Philadelphia, because hundreds of people came to the funeral. I was surprised not to see members of their families, like cousins or grandparents. It was more business associates with their wives.
    Grace kept glancing anxiously round the church as if someone important was missing.
    I heard Lenny whisper, “Probably he’s sick.”
    “Then why didn’t he call?” Grace whispered back. “He didn’t even send flowers. He’s meant to be his best friend for heaven’s sake.”
    Honesty had this annoying nervous smirk on her face.
    Finally Rose couldn’t stand it. “What’s so funny?” she asked.
    Honesty shrugged. “I was wondering what Papa would make of being inside a church.”
    Rose hissed, “You know Papa didn’t care about all that stuff.”
    Honesty gave her a poisonous look. “I don’t know any such thing actually, Rose Bloomfield. Papa’s ancestors must be turning in their graves.”
    She made it sound as if her father was a vampire or something. Funeral or no funeral, this girl is getting too weird, I thought uneasily.
    After the funeral, Grace invited all the mourners back to the house. Everyone stood around the front parlour, making agonising small talk.
    I noticed Grace was still watching the door. I heard her ask Lenny, “Did you try Jack Coltraine’s number again?”
    He nodded. “There’s still no reply.”
    This news seemed to worry Grace. “I’d appreciate it if you could just keep trying, will you?”
    “Of course, Mama,” he said.
    Jack Coltraine never did pick up the phone.
    That’s because he had taken off for Havana with all Honesty’s father’s money. Next day, the family lawyer confirmed Grace’s worst suspicions. Jack had been creaming off the business profits, stashing them in safety deposit boxes in his wife’s name. In a matter of days, the Bloomfields’ lives had totally turned upside down.
    They’d lost everything, including their home. All Grace stood to inherit now was her husband’s debts.
    That night Lenny came into the girls’ room and I heard him and Rose talking. Honesty stayed huddled silently under her covers, giving off such minimal vibes, I doubt they even remembered she was there.
    I was shocked to hear Lenny say, “I’ll really miss Papa, but in a weird way I feel like I’ve been set free. Being a doctor was his dream, not mine.”
    “So what’s your dream, Len?” Rose’s voice was snuffly from crying.
    “Don’t laugh,” he said awkwardly. “I want to be a stuntman. I met this actor on the train. He said there are great opportunities in the film industry for young guys like me, who aren’t afraid to take risks.”
    Rose was disgusted. “You’ve had this expensive education and you want to throw it all away just so you can fall off horses and get brain damage! Have you any idea how lucky you are to be a boy? I’d do anything to go to college. But I’m a girl, so everyone assumes I’ll just marry a nice lawyer. Aargh!”
    “You won’t have to get married for years yet. I’m sure Papa would want you girls to finish your education.”
    Rose gave him a bleak smile. “Where’s the money coming from?”
    Lenny sounded unsure of himself suddenly. “Mama can ask her family for help. They own a plantation for heaven’s sake. They must have loads of dough.”
    Rose shook her head. “Mama’s family is a taboo subject. Remember how she used to clam up when we asked about them?”
    “I know, but if she’s desperate.” But Lenny’s voice trailed off.
    Next day, to their amazement, Grace brought the subject up herself.
    “I have reached a very difficult decision. I have been lying awake, racking my brains, and I simply cannot see any alternative. I have a little jewellery, enough to buy train tickets with some over for emergencies.”
    “Mama,” said Rose. “What are you saying?”
    Grace seemed to be talking to

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