Called to Order
In a more severe tone, Adam’s grandfather warned, “Under no circumstances shall you assume that your metabolism will sustain on mere human food any longer. Your body is changing and will continue to need blood more and more until you find your mate. I suggest when you find her, you complete the bonding as soon as possible. She will eventually be your frau after all, so don’t waste time. You will have the rest of your life to make it up to her. Her presence is not enough to hold off the transitions your body will face. Only her blood will stop the decline of your mind.”
    His grandfather glanced toward the dark window where the black night seemed to be fading to shades of gray with the approaching dawn. “Be mindful of the sun. Your tolerance will dwindle with each day that passes. Purchase a pair of sun specs and keep your body covered as much as possible. You will find refuge in hotels. Do not depend on the charity of others. There is enough money there to pay your way. You cannot risk harming others. Doing so risks exposure and you never know how long you can put off the blood lust.”
    Ezekiel placed a fat envelope on the table and pushed it toward Adam. “There is ten thousand dollars there. I believe it is more than you will need, but use it sparingly nonetheless. The English world is different than ours. If you find your mate elusive, there is enough there to purchase an automobile. That will allow you to track her faster. And finally, if you find yourself in danger or your baser instincts turning you feeish , send a message to this address.”
    His grandfather slid a slip of paper across the overworked wooden table. There was a PO Box address written on it. At Adam’s confused look he explained, “I will do my best, if it comes to that, to prevent our family from losing another member. If you sense yourself becoming one of the unanswered , go to ground. Send message to me and I will find you. I will sedate you. Your father, Cain, and I will then continue your search for as long as we can without the council finding out. Use the journal I gave you to write down any clues about your mate you gain from the dreams. That will be our only guide to continuing your search, because at that point your mind will be too far-gone to trust even your family. She will be your only salvation.”
    After Adam’s grandfather had finished giving instructions, it was already three in the morning. There was approximately four hours until dawn. Adam knew he had to be getting on his way. He bid his grandfather good-bye and was waiting by his mother’s bedside when his father approached.
    “I was debating waking her,” Adam whispered quietly. “She looks so peaceful. I’d hate to wake her only to sadden her by saying good-bye. I don’t know how much more heartache I can stand to see in her eyes.”
    Jonas lovingly pulled the covers around his wife’s shoulders. His eyes never left his wife as he addressed his son. “Your mother is strong. She is afraid of what she does not understand. She has never left the land and knows nothing about being called . Yet she is determined to love me as fiercely as any divinely mandated love. Why she has deemed me worthy of such affection all these years is beyond my comprehension, but I will gladly accept it as my fate.”
    Although Adam’s parents were not blood bonded, there was no doubt in his mind that they were deeply in love and designed for each other. It was rare to hear his father speak of such things.
    “Your mother loves you children as much as she loves me. She would die a thousand deaths before she would let anyone harm a hair on your body. It is difficult for her to watch you go into a world unknown to her, a world she cannot protect you from. But deep down, she knows it is right because it is for love.”
    “Father, I will find my mate because she is the only key to my survival, but love? I do not see how a man can assume such things about a stranger.”
    “You will love

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