Call of the Moon: (BBW Paranormal Hunters Erotic Romance) (Avalon Book 2)

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Book: Read Call of the Moon: (BBW Paranormal Hunters Erotic Romance) (Avalon Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Mina Carter
Tags: BBW Paranormal Hunters Erotic Romance
minds. The electric buzz as the crowd prepared to scream in welcome as the band stepped on the stage. Only this wasn’t a stadium, this was a barn or storage shed in the back of the beyond.
    “ Now! ” I screamed, and Jasen rolled off the demon. Perhaps he wasn’t that far gone, after all. As soon as his furry ass was clear, I let loose. Not a fireball, but something else issued from my hands. Think cheap sci-fi effects and laser canons. Surprised? No shit, Sherlock. I’d never seen anyone pull that kind of trick, not even Merlin.
    I clamped down on all thoughts of that arrogant twat just in case he listened, and carried on pumping more power into the demon. He screamed and swelled liked a balloon filling with water. My lip curled. I could guess where this was going, and it wasn’t going to be pretty.
    My head turned to the side as the skin on my face tried to crawl onto the other side of my head. I’d been covered in blood so many times it wasn’t funny, but when a body popped, it wasn’t just the blood one had to worry about. There were the intestines as well. Which, when one thought about it, were little more than six or seven meters of shit-filled sausage. Gross? Yeah, just a lot.
    The scream turned from rage to pure agony. Then it was gone. No “pop,” no grand finale. Just…gone.
    Surprised, I dropped my hands, ignoring the fact they glowed like a freaking beacon. What trick was the demon playing now? I opened myself up, trying to sense a magic user in the vicinity. The only thing that pinged my radar was a minor blip to the left. Brown sat hunched against a post where the demon had thrown him. A thick, red pool under him said he wasn’t long for this world.
    “What the fuck…?” I walked forward to where the demon had been. Etched on the floor, burnt into the very wood, was a symbol. A name. The demon’s name.
    A savage grin of triumph crossed my lips. I’d done the unthinkable. I’d fought a demon and won. Take that Merlin, you jumped up arrogant son of a bitch!
    A low rumble warned me not to kick back and party just yet. Fingers still outstretched toward the demon symbol, I froze and looked up. Jasen was crouched less than ten feet away from me, in full wolf-man-thing form. Amber eyes watched me with hatred, drool dripping from his fangs as he snarled. No getting through to him this time. It was me or him.
    We moved at the same time. I snatched at the symbol, collecting it to myself. It pulled free of the floorboards with a dry “pop” as Jasen launched himself at me. Nowhere to go, I rolled to my back and held the symbol out in front of me as a shield. At the same time, I yanked the wolf’s tooth from my pocket and opened the gates within me.
    I screamed wordlessly as I stabbed the tooth into the symbol, and both were blasted by the lilac stream of power. In slow motion, I watched the werewolf leap, heading for the tender, juicy target that was my throat.
    How I was going to hold off over two hundred pounds of werewolf, I had no clue. In the end, I didn’t need to. As soon as the tip of a clawed paw hit my hastily constructed shield, he was thrown back. It went with him, the symbol and tooth ripped out of my hands. A lupine yelp filled the room as he crashed into the post next to Brown, and slid to the bottom. A lilac glow crawled over his skin, wrapping around his furry body like a net. One that tightened. As I watched, it compressed the wolf form, changing its shape back to that of the man.
    Magic wrought, Jasen sprawled naked over the floor. Exhaustion, physical and magical, crawled over every inch of my body, invading all my cells. In all my years wielding magic, I'd never attempted anything as big or elemental as constraining a creature's very nature.
    "W-Who are you?" Brown asked as I passed. The blood had thickened on the floor beneath him, and already, the light had begun to dim from his eyes. "What are you?"
    The smile that curved my lips was triumphant but tired. The after echoes of

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