Call of the Moon: (BBW Paranormal Hunters Erotic Romance) (Avalon Book 2)

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Book: Read Call of the Moon: (BBW Paranormal Hunters Erotic Romance) (Avalon Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Mina Carter
Tags: BBW Paranormal Hunters Erotic Romance
    This time, I had no problem with the knots. No longer hiding I was something more than a hunter, I simply wrapped my hand around the rope and willed it gone. The cut ends dropped to the floor as something large and heavy sailed over my head to hit the wall beyond.
    It was a body. Dead. The wet trail of blood was too big for it to be anything else.
    The silence punctuated only by soft moans of agony tipped me off that the demon had dealt with Brown and his coven. I stood as he strode toward me. Adrenalin slammed through me, my body realizing I had a hell of a fight on my hands.
    “Now your turn, little pretty. That was a good hit, by the way. Who taught you? Not Santa over there. I’ve seen more power in a packet of chips.”
    “Who taught me? You really don’t want to know.”
    I backed up, already casting. As I’d said before, I was no spell slinger. I didn’t need to be. I had been born with magic running through my veins, and now that I’d opened the door, I could be a serious pain in the ass for any demon.
    His face kept the pleasant smile, but I felt the power building again. That was the thing with demons—they didn’t need to chant a spell, either.
    “You want to dance, pretty boy? Come on then, we’ll dance.”
    Before I finished speaking, I cast the magical net I’d constructed. Lilac, the color of my magic, crisscrossed the room, overlaying a grid on it for a second before it died away. The demon laughed.
    “And that was supposed to hold me? Come on, you can do better than that. No?” He smiled and the malevolence in his expression chilled me to my boots. He lifted his hands, a fireball glowing between them. “Ahh, well…pity.”
    “Oh, come on,” I sneered. “A fireball? Can’t you be a little more inventive?”
    He cocked an eyebrow. “Oh? I suppose you have something more interesting?”
    He dropped a glance at my hands. Motionless at my sides, it was obvious I hadn’t called power to deflect his fireball.
    I smiled. “Yeah. You could say that.”
    That was the point my werewolf tackled him from behind.
    The two went down in a tangle of limbs and claws. The demon roared in pain as Jasen’s claws opened three deep furrows down his side. Jasen was fully turned now, nothing of the human left in him as he rolled the creature under him, then tried to disembowel the demon with razor-sharp claws. Mental note to self: Tasers brought out the bad boy in any wolf.
    Right now, though, the fact my lover had gone over to the furry side was the least of my worries. I had a demon to deal with. He’d seen me, and even if he didn’t know who I was, it wouldn’t take him long to figure it out. My bloodline was one of the most famous in the world, thanks to some twat back in the twelfth century. Which meant demon-boy was going down.
    I closed my eyes as the battle raged, and reached deep inside myself. Even before my mother’s death, when I had practiced magic, I’d only ever skimmed the surface. The power I held scared the shit out of me. It was deep, soul deep, even beyond. I didn’t know how far down the well of power inside me went, and, to be honest, I really didn’t want to find out.
    But needs must when the devil drives, or when a demon needed flattening. I opened the floodgates and grabbed ahold of the rush of power that ensued. My eyes snapped open. I felt…huge…and cramped at the same time. As if I could see everything, if only my inferior human eyes would just open up a little more, work a little better.
    Words came out of my mouth. Ones I’d never heard before and had no clue what they meant. The demon seemed to. Pinned down under Jasen’s claws, he screamed every time I spoke. Of course, that also could have been because Jasen seemed determined to turn him into a pincushion.
    I lifted my arms as the tension mounted, the power in the room climbing rapidly. It was like being surrounded by a crowd at a stadium, being pressed in the mass of bodies, the presence of thousands of

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