“OK,” she let out. “Where do I meet this girl?”
“She’ll be in a bar called the High Wire at eleven o’clock this morning,” Harold answered. “I only got the call telling me that a meeting was set up ten minutes ago, so I’m not sure exactly where it is. You’ll just need to find an internet café and search for the name to get the address.”
“Is there anything else I need to know?” Marion asked.
“The first booth just inside the door is where she’ll be sitting,” her boss replied. “Apart from that, you’re on your own now. Just get to that meeting. It’s your best chance of staying alive.”
“Easy for you to say,” she replied.
“I’ll see you soon.”
Harold’s words signaled the end of the conversation, and she hoped his last comment turned out to be correct. She hung up the phone then made her way to the hotel. Her intention was to go to the room and wait some more, but when she got there she changed her mind and decided to leave straight away. The fear returned that staying in one place made her vulnerable to the Mob catching up, and keeping on the move seemed a more sensible idea. In truth, it didn’t really make her feel any more secure, and she warily watched the people she was passing for any signs that they might recognize her. No one did in the twenty minutes it took to find an internet café. She paid for an hour and went to a computer right at the rear of the place to hide herself away.
She found the address for the High Wire bar then brought up a street map to work out a route to get there. It was a bus ride away and she wasn’t familiar with the area, so she printed out a map then immediately went to collect and pay for it at the counter. She then brought up some newspaper websites to see if the story of the murder was being reported. There was nothing she could see, which could be because it was too early for the news to break. On the other hand, it could also mean that the body hadn’t been found yet, or that maybe the Mob cleaned up afterwards and it never would be.
When her hour was up, she folded the map to put it in her pocket and set off. It was nerve wracking being out in the open, but the bus ride was the only way she was going to get to the bar in time. She briefly considered getting a cab, but was running low on money and was scared to take any more out. Her knowledge of someone being tracked by modern technology such as phones and bank cards was limited to what she’d seen in the movies, but it was enough to put her off using them. In all likelihood it was probably stupid, but she wasn’t about to take the chance and give herself away.
It was around nine-thirty when she got on the bus she wanted, and she simply dropped down on the first window seat she came to. She stared out at the city scene she was passing as the journey progressed and tried to stop fidgeting. It was almost impossible to sit still, but she forced herself to do it. Thirty minutes later she stepped down to the sidewalk and the surroundings reminded her of the evening before. She certainly wasn’t in one of the nicer parts of the city, so she didn’t want to stand with the map trying to get her bearings and mark herself out as a stranger to the place. Instead, she just kept her head down and started walking.
When she saw the small ice cream parlor, she crossed the street to get to it and ordered a coffee. There was a window seat free and she walked across to claim it before anyone else came in. It gave her a chance to check the scene outside to find out the street she was on. She then got the map out to locate where she was and how to get to the bar. It was only ten minutes after ten, so there was no rush. She simply committed the route to memory and put the map in her pocket.
Nerves began to get the better of her as the minutes ticked past, and she could see how badly her hand was shaking whenever she picked up the cup. She