handouts.” Mustang shoved one foot, then the other, into his boots, ready to get out of there.
“It’s not a handout. It’s payment for past services rendered.”
“You pay for half the gas and tolls. You paid for more than half of the oil changes, I think. So no. You’re paid up.”
“A loan then. You can pay me back when you’re back and riding again this fall.”
“No.” Mustang rose just as the door opened and Jenna stepped in.
“I got you some cheese puffs and potato chips. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies in case you wanted something sweet.” She unloaded an armful of snacks onto the table. “Did you take your pain pill yet?”
How could a man stay pissed off in the face of all that sweetness? Mustang couldn’t control the smile that crossed his lips. “No, ma’am. Not yet.”
“Wait right there.” She shot Slade a look on her way to the bathroom. “I told you to make sure he took it as soon as he got out of the shower.”
“Sorry,” Slade grumbled.
Mustang drew in a deep breath and planted his ass back in the chair. Slade was a friend. A good one. So was Jenna. They cared about him. He waited until she disappeared into the bathroom and he heard the water running in the sink. “Okay. I’ll agree to go home for the operation and stay there while I recuperate. I should be able to find work locally for a few months.”
“All right and if you can’t work—”
“I’ll consider your offer of a loan. Maybe.”
Slade nodded. “Good enough.”
It looked like Mustang was heading home for the first time in a long time. God help him.
“Magnolia, Texas, here I come.” Damn. He needed a drink. Mustang raised his voice so Jenna could hear him in the bathroom.
“Hey, darlin’? Do those pills say anything about taking them with liquor?”
“Mustang Jackson, you can not mix alcohol with painkillers.” There was that tone again. Jenna was going to make an excellent mother to Slade’s children one day.
Jenna’s medical opinion or not, Mustang took the pill she forced on him and then made his escape. He left the hotel and crossed the street in search of alcohol to sooth the feeling of dread he’d had since deciding to go home.
He pushed open the door of the bar with his one arm that was sling-free, hoping for both liquor and entertainment to get his mind off his injury. He wasn’t at all surprised to see the room packed with bull riders, as well as women of all ages. Cowboys appealed to females both young and old.
Apparently injured cowboys were even more attractive than the everyday variety. Mustang realized every feminine gaze in the place stayed trained on him as he made his way over to where Chase and a few of the other guys stood.
“Hey, Mustang. What’d they say at the hospital?” Chase’s eyes focused on the sling.
“I’m gonna need a metal plate and a few screws…and a beer.” He signaled the bartender, pointing at Chase’s longneck bottle and holding up one finger.
Considering all the choices of alcohol he could mix with the pain pill Jenna had forced on him, beer seemed the most harmless. He probably hadn’t needed that pill anyway, but Jenna had been relentless.
“Damn. A plate and screws. I’m sorry, man. That really sucks.” His young brow furrowed beneath his blond curls.
“Yeah, tell me about it.” Why was that beer taking so long? Mustang spied the bartender at the cash register ringing up another customer and sighed. Ever since he’d called his parents from the payphone in the hotel lobby and told them he was coming home, he’d really needed a drink.
“Did they tell you how long that’ll keep you out for?”
“They said pretty much what Doc Tandy did. Three to four months.” Mustang wished again the bartender would hurry.
Finally, the man delivered the blessed bottle of brew. Mustang managed to get his wallet out of his pocket, but pulling out a bill one-handed was going to be a challenge.
“Here. Take that out of here.” Chase pushed
Matt Christopher, Stephanie Peters