Brie's Christmas Pearls (Submissive in Love, #3)

Read Brie's Christmas Pearls (Submissive in Love, #3) for Free Online

Book: Read Brie's Christmas Pearls (Submissive in Love, #3) for Free Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Erotic, Brie, Novella
retire to the other room and let our subs clean up? There are certain things we need to discuss.”
    “If you feel it is necessary,” Sir replied with disdain.
    Sir kissed Brie one more time before getting up. “Thank you for the custard, my dear. It was exactly what the doctor ordered.”
    Brie watched with concern as Sir followed Marquis into the living room.
    “They’ll be fine,” Celestia assured her.
    I’m not so sure , Brie thought as she gathered the plates.
    Her worries were confirmed when she returned from the kitchen to hear Sir growl angrily, “What the hell did Brie tell you?”
    She cringed at the venomous tone behind the accusation. Celestia came up beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist in support as they listened to the heated exchange.
    “She said nothing, Sir Davis,” Marquis Gray answered. “I only had to look at her face to know that things are not well between you.”
    “And how is this any of your business?”
    “I was her trainer, your colleague and, I thought, your friend. I consider you a rational man, but your current actions dispute that. I understand that you are weighed down by your mother’s situation, but that should not dictate how you relate to the rest of the world.”
    “You know nothing.”
    “Let me be frank here. You are not the person I used to know.”
    Sir roared defiantly, “And you’re not my father, Gray!”
    “Damn it, man. You promised to care for and nurture that girl in there. Have you forgotten the vows you made in front of the entire community?”
    Sir’s voice had become low and ominous. “I repeat , this is none of your business.”
    “You’re mistaken to think so. We are a community, Sir Davis. We look out for one another, and I see you starting to spiral out of control. I must do something for both your sakes.”
    “You’re overstepping the line, here.”
    Marquis’ answer was confident and sure. “No, I am not. You must deal head-on with the situation concerning your mother, and include Miss Bennett in the process, or you will lose her.”
    “You’re being over-dramatic, Gray.”
    “And you’re a blind fool if you believe that.”
    “Don’t throw those words around so casually with me,” Sir warned. “I’m not your sub.”
    Marquis Gray went for the jugular. “I only suspected you were a fool when you took Miss Bennett during training, but now you’re proving I was correct.”
    Sir spat angrily, “And you’ve held that single indiscretion over my head ever since.”
    “Your impulsive nature showed a lack of control and common sense.” Marquis added in a tone of disbelief, “To think that as Headmaster you risked the Center’s reputation and your position to play with a trainee? It was inconceivable to me.”
    Sir’s voice dripped with acid. “Stop with the lecture, old man. You’re not my father.”
    “Well someone needs to be, since you’re acting like a child.”
    “You’re sorely mistaken if you think a past indiscretion gives you the right to pry into my personal life. I won’t stand for this.”
    “Running away, Sir Davis?” Marquis taunted. “I know that has been your modus operandi since you were a boy, but it doesn’t work for adults. Demons don’t ‘disappear’ on their own. They must be faced and dealt with.”
    The timbre of Sir’s voice was frightening when he replied, “Stop pushing me, Gray, or I will be forced to push back—and I know you better than you think.”
    Marquis was unmoved by the threat. “Your response highlights the depths of your spiral. As I stated before, you are not the man I once knew. No wonder Miss Bennett is floundering under your care. The answer is simple. Confront the issue with your mother, or you will destroy everything you have built, including your relationship with Miss Bennett.”
    “I will never forget this, Gray,” Sir growled, heading back to the dining room.
    Marquis’ sarcastic laugh followed him. “No, I’m sure you won’t, but

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