Brie Faces her Master's Fears (After Graduation, #4)

Read Brie Faces her Master's Fears (After Graduation, #4) for Free Online

Book: Read Brie Faces her Master's Fears (After Graduation, #4) for Free Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
Tags: Erótica, Romance
and the Tramp , when the two dogs shared the long noodle. She smiled bashfully at Sir as she imagined his lips coming closer to hers as they ate the single noodle from both ends.
    Instead, she shared the same piece of mouthwatering meat and bowl of white beans with her Master. It was all the more wonderful because this meal had been a part of his childhood, something he desired to share with her.
    Before they’d finished, Brie noticed a change come over Sir. He became quiet again. She could barely get her last mouthful down, wondering what was about to happen—not allowing herself to dream.
    “I value sharing this with you, téa. This is a part of my past, the foods I grew up on. It pleases me that you enjoy them.”
    “I am honored you want to share them with me, Master.”
    “There are other things I long to share.”
    Brie’s heartbeat increased. She got up from the table and walked over to him, to kneeling down at his feet. “I cherish your trust in me…”—she almost said ‘Thane’, but chickened out—“…Master.” She kissed the back of his hand in reverence.
    He petted her head with his other hand. Sir cleared his throat, but did not speak. She felt an aura of tension radiating from him that was delightfully disconcerting. Her body responded by trembling with expectancy.
    “Master?” she asked, looking up at him.
    He smiled briefly, but shook his head. “No. Not yet… I think it’s time we took a drive.” Sir got up from the table and commanded, “Gather your top, téa. No need to dress.”
    Brie felt wistful leaving the romantic meal behind, already treasuring the memories. She returned to the limo bare-chested. The chauffeur did not bat an eye as he opened the door for them.

Dreams Deferred

    B rie stood before Mr. Holloway, confident that her documentary would wow him. The fact he had called her in to see it spoke of his vested interest in the project.
    “Please, Miss Bennett, take a seat,” he said in a firm, manly tone.
    Brie looked him in the eye as she gracefully sat down. Sir had instructed her to treat the producer the way she would any business contact, despite the fact he was a known Dom.
    She smiled amiably. “Thank you for offering to see my work, Mr. Holloway.”
    “Marquis Gray spoke highly of you and believed your work would reflect the same level of excellence he has come to expect from you in other areas.”
    Brie felt heat rise to her face, honored that he felt that way. “I hope I can do justice not only to his confidence in my abilities, but to the Training Center itself. It has changed my life, in ways I could never have imagined.”
    “Let’s waste no more time then,” he said affably.
    Brie handed over the documentary—her baby—without hesitation. She watched him slip the DVD in and hit play. The large TV screen lit up with her introduction. The music started off light and soothing as the words ‘Art of Submission’ floated across the screen with images of submissives bowing, presenting, or kissing the hands or feet of the dominants. The music quickly became hard and pounding as more provocative images flashed onto the screen, depicting bondage, flogging and fire play.
    Brie had ended the intro with pictures of the three girls with their silly nicknames: ‘Lea the Lovely’, ‘Brie the Bodacious’ and ‘Mary the Magnificent’. She’d decided to keep the humor of their experiences at the forefront of her film. Becoming a submissive was a complex journey—one that not only involved facing fears and pushing limits, but also encouraged the pure joy of self-discovery.
    She watched Mr. Holloway clandestinely as he took in her work. The man had his hand on his chin. His gaze never wavered; his lips never twitched. He was a master at masking his emotions. When the ending credits concluded, he turned off the TV and sat without saying a word.
    With all her dreams on the line, such treatment should have put her in a tailspin of anxiety, but she knew it was good

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