Bride Games: (Alien's Bride)

Read Bride Games: (Alien's Bride) for Free Online

Book: Read Bride Games: (Alien's Bride) for Free Online
Authors: Yamila Abraham
Tags: Erótica
anything for her to climb on this tier either, but she spotted a post on the edge of the tier above her.   This was in line with the chain she’d climbed.   She dragged it up and flung it toward the post.   It whipped around it but didn’t catch.   A door slid open twenty feet from her and the robot popped out.   She threw the chain again.   It was no use.   She would need to get one of the footholds to fall right over the post in order to secure it.
    The robot was extending its arms for her.   Lenora swung the chain at its cylinder head.   It smashed in an explosion of blue vapor and glass.   The robot didn’t stop rolling but as it moved it tipped forward and crashed its boxy chest to the floor.   She could hear that its casters were still whirring.   The rest of the thing looked dead.
    Lenora climbed onto its back while carrying the chain.   By standing on the tip of her toes she was able to hook the post with a link of the chain.   It became taut and secure for her to climb it.
    She let her butt connect with the body of the robot.   Her chest was heaving and sweat had dripped into her eyes.
    “Tut, tut, my dear,” Danfet’s voice came out of the speakers.   “Remember that you’re timed.   You’ve only a few minutes left.”
    Go to Hell.
    The robot alarm would go off moments after she actually set foot on the tier.    She climbed two thirds of the way up the chain and scanned the perimeter from there.   Someone in the audience called her brilliant.
    This was the last level she had to get past before she’d climb up to the statue.   There was a two-foot-high white cube next to the outline of the doorway where the robot would come out.   If she was about a foot taller she could have used the block to scramble up.   The thing was useless to her.   Not even adrenaline could make her jump as high as she needed.   Her arms already felt like they were going to fall out of their sockets, and then she had to escape the robot, too.   She could get its caster stuck again using her pants, but what was the point if she didn’t see a way up?   It would eventually break the fabric and catch her.    
    The door slid open on the top level.   Lenora expected Danfet to stride into view, but this was a different Dak-Hiliah.   He wore the same armored costume that Elentinus always wore.   Lenora met his auburn eyes.   He must be a nobleman, like Elentinus.  
    Maybe he was her nobleman.
    This thought put a lump in her throat.   She swallowed while keeping her eyes locked with his.
    The man went to the edge of the tier, crouched down, and lowered his arm.   Lenora balked.   If she took his hand she could make it.
    You’ve got to be kidding me!
    It had to be a trick.   She looked around desperately for another answer.   Maybe drag up one of the blocks from the second tier?   No.   It’s too heavy and there’s not enough time.
    The chirping alarm started to go off.
    Damn it!
    Lenora climbed up, hopped onto the block, and snatched the man’s wrist.   He held hers in return and easily pulled her up.
    “Lenora, I’m Lord Ly—“
    She punched his nose with all the strength left in her trembling arm.   While he reeled back in shock she ran to the statue and put her hand on its face.
    “Lenora wins!” Danfet’s voice boomed out of the speakers.  
    Everyone in the audience rose and thudded their scepters.
    “The first session of round one goes to the brides!   Congratulations my dear!”
    She turned around slowly to look at the Dak-Hiliah man.   His hand was on his nose where she’d struck him.   She was ready to do more if she had to.   Then she saw the disappointment in his eyes and felt a pang of guilt.  
    She hugged her arms around her.   What did you expect?    
    He took a step toward her.   She edged backwards.   Lysanter lifted both palms of his hands.
    “I don’t mean you any harm, Lenora.”
    She glowered at him.
    “You’re done for today.   I’d like to replace

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