Bound to Seduction
he wasn’t. He
was in the human realm, and she was real. Real and so completely
unexpected, he knew he needed to thank her. To show her just how
much what she’d wished for— how she’d wished for it—meant to him.
    “Mira,” he said in a raspy voice. “Close
your eyes.”
    She hesitated. Assessed. But when her lashes
fluttered closed, he found himself touched again at how easily she
trusted him.
    He stepped close, wrapped one arm around her
waist, drawing her flush up against him. She sucked in a breath but
didn’t open her eyes, and his pulse picked up speed because she
felt so sinfully good. Smelled like heaven.
    He shouldn’t be enjoying this, not when his
brothers were suffering, but he couldn’t help himself. He pictured
their destination. Gathered his powers. And when Mira felt them
flying and gasped, he tightened his arm around her and whispered,
“It’s okay. Just hold on to me.”
    Her eyes popped open as soon as their feet
met solid ground. And he watched with amusement as she pushed out
of his arms, whipped around, and those mesmerizing eyes of hers
grew wide all over again. “Where…? “How…?”
    He smiled as she took in the swaying palms
above, the turquoise water lapping the sandy beach, as the warm
breeze blew her silky hair across her cheeks. He normally didn’t
transport humans when he crossed into their realm. It could be
risky. Especially if they moved during flight. But after what Mira
had done for him, he wanted to do something special for her.
    “Where are we?” she asked
    “A little island in the Tahitian chain.”
    “No way.”
    “Close your eyes again, Mira.”
    This time she looked at him as if he’d grown
a third eye, and the expression was so damn sexy, he laughed.
“Trust me. No more flying. Not yet, anyway.”
    “I don’t know what to expect around you,”
she said, but she closed her eyes once more.
    “And I with you, Mira.”
    He lifted his hands, called up a simple
spell. Then he turned a slow circle and spoke the ancient
    When he was done, he said, “Okay, you can
open your eyes again.”
    Her lashes fluttered, and she looked down,
gasped to see herself dressed in a thin white cotton dress with cap
sleeves, a gathered bodice with ties open at her cleavage, and a
flouncy skirt. A dress that accentuated her breasts, her curves,
even her skin tone. One that looked as if it had been made just for
her—which it had.
    “How did you do that?”
    Her gaze darted past him to the hut he’d
also conjured. “Wh-where did that come from?”
    He would never tire of this woman’s
reactions. So unexpected. So…honest. He reached for her hand.
    She let him draw her toward the hut with its
thatched roof and bamboo porch. Gleaming hardwood floors spread
beneath their bare feet. Gauzy curtains blew in the breeze as they
stepped inside. A sitting area filled with pillowy white
furnishings opened to a four-poster bed covered in dreamy white
    Mira tensed beside him. Perspiration coated
the palm of her hand against his. And for the first time, unease
settled in. Unease he never felt. Not with anyone. “Do you not like
    “No, I…” Her cheeks turned pink as she
looked around. “It’s beautiful. I just…”
    She was nervous. Again, not the reaction he
was used to.
    He stepped in front of her, blocking her
view of the bed, and brought his hands up to frame her face.
“Before we start your wish, I have one request.”
    “For you to trust me. In order to give
pleasure, you must first experience it yourself. Has a man ever
pleasured you, Mira?”
    A flush rushed over her cheeks again, and
she looked down at his chest covered in the thin T-shirt. “I told
you I’m not a virgin.”
    “I didn’t ask if you were a virgin. I asked
if you had been pleasured. Thoroughly. Completely. By someone who
knows how to focus solely on you.”
    Her blush deepened. “Um…”
    Just the fact she had to think about how to

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