Bound by the Moon (The Ancients Series Book 4)

Read Bound by the Moon (The Ancients Series Book 4) for Free Online

Book: Read Bound by the Moon (The Ancients Series Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Christine M. Butler
Tags: paranormal romance, Paranormal & Fantasy
before her. “Okay, but you definitely noticed things beginning to happen often after you were mated with Mikael?”
    “Yes, everything was normal for a while, when I was first brought here. I don’t remember having any odd things happen. Not until we became mated. The first time I saw the light, since I was a child, was then. And again when we found my sister’s bracelet.”
    “Very interesting.” Serena stated before turning in my direction. “Didn’t your abilities begin to skyrocket after you were mated with Mikael?”
    “Um, I’m not sure if there was a direct correlation with that. I mean, my abilities were already on an incline at that point.”
    “I suppose so,” Serena added. “I feel as though we should call my sister in on this. She would know better than anyone how to handle this type of situation.”
    “We had a witch help before, when we were still in Romania.” Natalia looked nervous as she mentioned this, because it had clearly been left out of their story.
    Evan turned toward me, “We told you that Nat got everything under control for a while before we came back this way, and that a witch named Layla helped with that.” Serena turned to me then, with a questioning look as if the name Layla should mean something to me. I had honestly forgotten her name when I retold Evan and Natlia’s story to her. Evan continued talking though, so I turned my attention back to him. “Well, we ran into the witch while we were trying to figure out what was triggering the episodes with Nat, and the witch happened to see her in action.”
    “Could you please describe this witch, Layla to me?” Serena asked.
    “Oh, yes. Layla was a beautiful little thing, all silvery blond, like moving moonbeams. Her eyes were captivating, like liquid silver. She was a vision.”
    Serena chuckled at Natalia’s description. “I’m sure my sister would be amused by your recollection of her appearance.”
    “You’re sister?” I questioned, but then the memory snapped into place. “Sophia mentioned Layla when…” I let the reminder of my time spent as Sophia’s prisoner drift away before it brought up worse memories for me.
    “Indeed.” Serena started, but then focused back on Natalia. “Layla’s specialty is with the dead and dying. She can help usher spirits to the beyond, and there was a time when she could help bring them back as well. While I am certain she helped figure out a way to manage your episodes, my other sister, Gwyn would be a wiser consult. Her abilities lie in the realm of nature. She makes things grow, and live. That sounds more in line with the abilities you’ve shown.”
    “How long will it be before we can get Gwyn here, if she agrees to come at all?” I asked.
    “I have no doubt that Gwyn will agree to see them. She doesn’t reside too terribly far from here, a day or two at most.” Serena rose from her seat. “I need to go see Avery, and let him know that I will have to stay on with your pack for a while longer.” She searched me out then, trying to convey something with her eyes. “You may call Sierra to bring your daughter back home now. Natalia is of no danger to her. I can promise you that much.” Serena smiled and didn’t wait for a reply before leaving my house, on her way to find Avery.
    “That wasn’t really very helpful.” Evan muttered.
    “Not really. Except that Serena wouldn’t have told me I could have the baby around you guys if she thought there was a danger. I suppose she knows a little more than she’s letting on right now. Maybe, she’s just going to wait for Gwyn to get here to explain everything.”
    “Maybe.” Evan echoed. “So, are you going to call my lovely niece back so I can spend some time with her, or what?”
    I smiled at that. “I would love to, but first, I need to take care of a couple things.” When Evan appeared to be hurt by my putting him off, I had no choice but to tell him the truth. “While Willow is off with Sierra and Ashley, it

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