Bound by the Buccaneer
she asked Gaston.
    “I wouldn’t say anything of the sort,” Gaston grumbled.
    “May I?” Captain Appling asked, reaching for her feline friend.
    “You may,” Frederica beamed at him, appreciative of his interest in the poor creature.
    Appling held the cat in one large hand while examining him with the other. “He is rather starved. A stray most likely, probably been scrounging for scraps behind the inn.”
    “The poor thing,” Frederica said taking the cat back from Appling. He patted the kitty on the head and the animal began to purr loudly causing Frederica and Appling to laugh at the same time.
    “That’s enough, Frederica. It’s time to go,” Gaston said gruffly. “Gentlemen, we bid you good day.” Gaston lifted his plumed hat with a flourish, gripped Frederica’s arm, and marched her away.
    “Goodbye!” Frederica called over her shoulder and the men bid her farewell.
    “Set that wretched animal down, Freddie,” Gaston barked when they were out of earshot of the other captains.
    “What? No! I’m going to keep him.” Frederica stomped her foot and wriggled away from his grasp.
    “You will do no such thing. We live aboard a pirate ship, not in a house on land.” He caught up with her.
    “That is of no consequence. We have cats on board the Ocean’s Knave . Why not have another one?” She gave him her prettiest pout, hoping to persuade him.
    “We have a cat, singular. Slash is a great mouser. I’m sure that scrawny thing would make a sorry excuse for a hunter. In any case he looks half dead as it is.”
    “Master, you’re being unkind, both to me and to this poor creature. It’s not like you to be so heartless.”
    “Heartless?” he pondered. “Hardly. Now set the thing down and come back to the ship. There’s something we need to discuss.”
    “But Gaston…” she pleaded.
    “Set him down,” he said firmly. Whatever was on his mind was clearly troubling him.
    She hesitated.
    “Now!” he barked. “I do not want to have to punish you for disobedience.”
    She could tell by the look in his eye that he meant what he said, and her bottom lip quivered. “A moment. Please give me a moment to tell him goodbye.”
    He sighed. “Fine.”
    Frederica rubbed the little cat’s ears and whispered to him, “I’m sorry I must leave you here. It has been a pleasure knowing you, kitty.” With a small sob she set him on the ground and turned her back to him so she could walk away.
    She heard him meowing and a piece of her heart broke off. She was often lonely aboard the Ocean’s Knave . For the most part her life was wonderful, but she missed her best friend Cassandra. She missed having a friend to talk with about things. Usually Gaston was enough, but sometimes she wished she had a girlfriend to laugh and giggle with over silly things.
    That kitty had needed her, and there was a part of her that needed him. Why couldn’t Gaston see that? She wiped away a tear and followed Gaston to the ship.
    * * *
    “You did what ?” A white fury had overtaken Frederica, and was now in a full-blown rage. “You agreed I would do what?” Her voice grew more shrill by the minute.
    Gaston had taken her back to their cabin aboard the Ocean’s Knave and told her about his agreement with Pugwash, Chatham, and Appling. He seemed upset about the bargain too, his brow had a new crease and he looked weary. He sat on the bed as Frederica paced around the room trying to absorb the news.
    “If you won’t agree to this, Freddie, we will not receive their protection. We will be sailing the Caribbean marked men, the prime target for every pirate ship on the water. Our crew is mighty, but one day we will find ourselves out-manned, out-gunned, or both.
    “We headed down this path because you don’t have the stomach for killing innocents, but there are consequences to every action. And the consequences for what we’ve done is that we’re the most hunted, most wanted pirates in the Caribbean.”

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