worked as he swallowed, but that was the only
sign that he was affected. It was good enough for her.
    “Come here.” The words came out with such
power that she felt the urge to hurry. She forced herself to walk
slowly to him to make him wait just a little longer.
    He reached into his back pocket and pulled
out a pair of what looked like real police-issue handcuffs. Her
eyes widened and he took her by one wrist and turned her around so
that both wrists were behind her back. They made a metallic sound,
almost like a zipper, as they were closed to fit her wrists. The
metal was cool against her skin.
    His warm breath tickled her nape as he pushed
her long hair over her shoulders and kissed the back of her neck.
“You’re beautiful, Roni. I love your body, love what it does to me
to see you naked for me, and you not knowing what I’m going to do
to you next.”
    She enjoyed the erotic feel of his jeans
against her bare ass as he pressed himself against her. He moved so
that he was standing in front of her again.
    The next thing he pulled out of his back
pocket looked like two huge zip-ties connected together. He bent on
one knee and put one ankle through one loop and her other ankle
through the opposite loop so that her ankles were cuffed
    He rose up and grasped her by one arm and
escorted her into the living room, like a police officer taking a
suspect away from a crime. She couldn’t take very big steps with
her ankles tied so she shuffled her way there. He brought her up
short in front of the bag he had brought with him.
    “Stand right there.” His voice was deep and
filled with something almost menacing that made a queer sensation
slide through her belly and she shivered. He hadn’t hurt her last
night and he could have. So what reason did she have to be
    He opened the bag and she saw exactly what
she should be afraid of.

Chapter 6
    Battery cables.
    With big clamps on the ends.
    “What are you planning on doing with those?”
Her voice shook a little.
    “They make great nipple clamps.” He said it
casually. “I like to use things you can find around the house.
    “Uh-Uh.” She cleared her throat. “I draw the
line at battery cables.”
    He grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked
her head back. “There’s not a whole hell of a lot that you can do
about it, is there,” he stated.
    “Please don’t.” Genuine fear raced through
her as he reached into the bag.
    Relief made her knees weak when he brought
out a ball gag instead of the cables. But then she realized she
wasn’t going to be able to say anything at all if she didn’t want
him to do something.
    He put the ball to her lips but she kept them
shut. He cupped the back of her head and forced the ball gag into
her mouth. She gave a muffled sound and tried to shake her head but
he made her be still as he fastened he gag so that it was secured
    She couldn’t stop looking at the battery
cables with the big copper clamps. He wouldn’t… Would he?
    Again he reached into the bag. This time he
pulled out a roll of duct tape and he tore a small piece off and
put it over one of her eyes. She shook her head, not wanting him to
take her sight, but he forced her to be still and put tape over the
other eye.
    She was naked, couldn’t walk or use her arms,
and she was in the dark. She couldn’t talk, couldn’t see. At least
she could hear. The ticking of the grandfather clock was almost
    Her heart raced as he rustled around in his
bag then returned to her. A pause and then he was pressing
something into one of her ears. An earplug. He filled her ear with
another one and the ticking of the clock was silenced.
    She tried to slow her breathing and prayed
that John wasn’t sadistic enough to put those battery cable clamps
on her nipples. What did she really know about him?
    She felt him press his body against hers and
realized he was naked now. He grasped her hips and rubbed his cock
on her belly, mimicking what

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