Borne in Blood
of twelve hundred copies, with nine pages of illustrations to increase its attractions. I have come to think that you are correct in your assumption that because of Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt almost twenty years ago, many in Europe have become fascinated with antiquities, and works of this kind may find a continuing intellectual appetite for such works, especially as it is in French and should enjoy a vogue in Paris.
    I trust I will not offend you when I say that I have only ordered one thousand copies of your Legends and Folk-Tales from the Carpathians. I have put the name of G. Tsarogy on it, as you have stipulated. I will see that it is offered in Vienna as well as Paris and Rome, for all it is in French; the Austrians have good reason to familiarize themselves with the traditions in the Carpathians. This should complement the book by G. Tsarogy on the Byzantine Empire that sold so many copies in the last three years; at least that is the way in which I will present it to booksellers.
    Now as to those solicitations for publication that you may wish to consider as part of the program for next year: Captain Rupert Burchell of the Royal Navy has submitted a work on improved navigational devices; his style is pedantic but his concepts are intriguing; he writes in English. Ermingard Frement of Trier has sent a guide to the Roman ruins in that city; her work is in French. Casimir Skolodi offered a manuscript in Polish on farming techniques to reduce crop losses due to harsh weather; I have translated a sizable portion of the work into German and asked my Friesian cousin to evaluate what Skolodi recommends and will relay his evaluation to you. Wallache Sieffert, Graf von Ravensberg, an Austrian, has submitted a work in German on the properties of the blood based on his experiments; it is a thorough work, with a great deal of information. Morgan Belclair has submitted a long manuscript in English on weather variations in western Europe and England for the past century; it is more informative than the Skolodi book, but less practical in its application. Professore Bonaldo Certi has submitted a work in Italian on the trade-routes of the Romans and the role they played in establishing ports still actively trading; I have shown this to Jules Forcier for his analysis, which is included in this parcel. I should mention that submissions are up by twenty percent over last year, and we are having to reject six for every one we actually consider.
    I remined you we have five books already scheduled for next year and to include more than one or two of these would require an expansion of the program. I am more than willing to undertake a more comprehensive program, providing certain adjustments are made in the actual press and bindery here in Amsterdam. Such improvements would increase our production, but would require a further investment in equipment and materiel, which figures I include for your consideration. If you decide on expansion, I will need to employ another pressman and at least two more typesetters; the sooner I have your determination, the sooner I can begin our work.
    With my assurances of my continued dedication to our shared endeavors

    I remain
Yours to command,
Klasse van der Boom
printer and publisher
Eclipse Press

    Otto Gutesohnes was muddy to his knees and his face was ruddy from the effort of his ride, and although he was only twenty-three, his long, cold journey had left his bones aching like an old man’s; he stood on the top step at the door of Château Ragoczy clutching a dispatch-case while he waited for his knock to be answered. Around him the late-arriving spring showed boughs wreathed in the shining snow of apple-blossoms in the shattery brightness of noon, but he was too tired to pay any attention to this extravagant display.
    The door was opened by Balduin, the steward, who took one look at the state of Gutesohnes’ clothing and indicated the path around to the rear of the

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