Border Crossings: A Catherine James Thriller
Noche Salvaje when they come here.  You don’t want to go anywhere else.”
    Taylor huffed and Jamie immediately handed the paper back to him, “Thanks, but I’m pretty sure we can find some place without cover.”
    “Ladies,” said the man, disappointed.  “Oh, ladies, you don’t know what you’d be missing.  Here,” he pulled a pen from his pocket, took Jamie’s flier, and wrote something on it, “Give this to the man at the door, and you three will get in free.  V.I.P.’s also get their first drink free.  You can’t come to Cancun and not at least visit Noche Salvaje .  Once you see what I’m talking about you’ll be thanking me.  Our club is rated one of the best in the world.  There’s no other place like it here or anywhere.”
    Jamie took her flier back, “Well, maybe.” She told him.  “We’ll see.”
    Taylor read her flier over.  Fifty-cent beers, dollar tequila shots, two dollar you call it shots, a million dollar sound system, and the most bumping spring break party in Cancun.
    As the man strolled away down the beach to court more potential partygoers, Kendra looked her flier over as well.  “I think we should go.  It sounds like fun.  Do you think they pay that guy to go around looking for pretty girls to invite to make the place look better?”
    “Well, yeah,” said Jamie, her mischievous smile ever present.  “I mean we are looking pretty good, if I do say so myself.”  She eyed her friends.  “Taylor, how the hell are you already tan?  We’ve only been out here like an hour and you’re already darker than me.”
    “I tan fast,” she said.  She left out she’d been studying by the apartment pool in preparation for wearing her bikini in Cancun.  She leaned back and sipped the last of her margarita down with a gurgling noise emanating from the straw, “So let’s go, then.  Sounds good to me.”
    They sat out and enjoyed one more round until a gray-haired European couple took two chairs near them.  The elderly gentleman wore his Speedo as though he was at home in front of the television, the most natural thing in the world to him.  Taylor was horrified to see Jamie’s eyes fixated on the man’s weenie-wrapper, red-faced and laughter threatening to escape at any second.  The old man’s equally rotund wife didn’t hesitate to strip off her bikini top and proceed to tan stomach up with her sinking breasts resting sadly upon her belly as though they knew they belonged to an old woman and were ambivalent to anyone’s opinion about their never-ending struggle with gravity, which they were clearly losing at an alarming rate.  The old woman must have been a habitual tanner as her breasts looked like brown, leathery saddlebags someone had burdened her with.
    Jamie boob-checked herself.  “I’m done,” she announced to her friends.  As they walked back towards their room she added, “Did you see his . . .”
    Taylor cut her off, “Jamie, please.  Don’t even say it.”
    “He looked like he was smuggling a tater tot in his Speedo,” shot Kendra.
    Taylor couldn’t help but laugh.

Chapter 6
    Taylor, Kendra, and Jamie were dressed to kill.  Taylor stood in front of the mirror in the hotel room curling her hair.  She wore a white skirt that showed off her freshly tanned legs, black flip-flops, and a black sequined top.  Kendra wore tight shorts that accentuated her petite figure.  She was busying herself by trying to adjust a padded bra.  “I so need some boobs,” she said.
    “No, you don’t,” said Jamie, who was currently struggling against her endowments in the mirror.  “They can be a real pain in the ass.”  She was retesting the straps of her tank top to make sure her breasts, which looked like they were clamoring to escape, wouldn’t snap free.
    “Whatever,” said Kendra.  “You can give me some of yours any day.”
    They caught a taxi around seven and headed north along Kukulcan Boulevard to Noche Salvaje which sat amongst other

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