Book 1 - Active Trust

Read Book 1 - Active Trust for Free Online

Book: Read Book 1 - Active Trust for Free Online
Authors: Callie Alexandra
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Sex, love, Betrayal, romance sex, intercourse, coition
say that.”
    “What would you say?”
    “I’m not sure, but abrasive
hadn’t crossed my mind.”
    They arrived to their floor and
dispersed. Michelle lit up at the thought of being mentored by the
one and only Mack Briggs. Meanwhile, Michelle wasn’t the wiser that
Mr. Trice had offered to mentor Victoria’s efforts.
    It had always been a
competition, but this time, Michelle felt that she had the upper
hand in the run for the partnership. Victoria had underplayed her
meeting because she wanted to silently sneak in and snatch up the
partnership without Michelle having put forth her best effort.
    She began to do an online search
on how to be less abrasive in customer service matters. She
downloaded several books to read on her laptop. It was time to up
the ante on her game and she would schmooze with the best of them
in order to accomplish her goal.
    On the other hand, Michelle
planned on doing the opposite. She’d learned her sweetness from her
mother, but she had to reach out to her cousin Sandra in her quest
to become an ambitious monster to get what she wanted.
    “Hey Sandra, it’s your cousin,
Michelle. Listen, I need your help with something.”
    “I’ve got a minute, what’s
    “Well, I am being looked at for
the partnership at Briggs & Trice and I need some help becoming
less of a nicer person. They said I’m too nice and it’s hindering
my progress here.”
    “So you called me?”
    “Yes, can you help?”
    “I’d be honored to turn you into
a cold, heartless monster.”
    “I need to be able to go in for
the kill and murder any opportunity Victoria Strauss has at
becoming partner.”
    Michelle breathed in her
perceived victory and hit “end” on her cell phone. She’d agreed to
pick up Sandra from her house and spend the weekend together.
Sandra said that she would straighten her out and that Briggs &
Trice wouldn’t know what hit them.
    In her own office, Victoria
plotted away at bettering her own interpersonal skills. She opened
one of the books, but was instantly bored and decided it best to
hire a professional. She searched Google for a local customer
service workshop that would help her learn basic skills to reach
out to more customers in order to retain repeat business.
    She called Life Coach
Enterprises and said to the receptionist, “Hi, my name is Victoria
and some have called me a bitch in the workplace. Can you help me
not be a bitch so I can get a promotion?”
    “Certainly, Victoria, can I get
you scheduled in for an appointment?”
    “Yes, like yesterday,
    “How about tomorrow morning at
9am sharp?”
    “Sounds great, thank you, I’ll
be there.”
    She hung up the phone and had
her assistant add “CS Workshop” to her schedule for the morning.
Victoria knew that she had to grab the bull by the horns in order
to succeed. If being abrasive was holding her back, then she would
do what she had to in order to get ahead.
    The next day, Victoria promptly
showed up to Life Coach Enterprises, wearing a black scarf over her
face and checked in with the receptionist. She removed her scarf
and jacket and kicked her leg one over the other and looked in
protest to be there.
    She waited, but was losing her
patience quickly. She looked down at her Cartier watch and saw that
the time was 9:22am. She looked to the receptionist for an
explanation and was greeted with a smile. The receptionist buzzed
and a woman in her mid-thirties emerged from her office.
    “Victoria, I can see you
    “Yes,” she said as she scooped
up her handbag, scarf and jacket and followed the older woman.
    “Is this what you do? You have
your receptionist schedule me in for ‘9am sharp’ and then keep me
    “You’re the one who’s being
called a bitch in the workplace? Gee, I can’t imagine where that
came from. Here, you will learn to shed that nickname in favor of
someone who is merely assertive, but also gets things done. Is that
what you want?”
    “Yes, but I

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