Bonded (Soul Ties, #1)
fully with Feran
barely able to move in or out.  Just circling, the friction drew him to
completion.  His hands tilted her hips as his body stiffened and held her in  place. 
Guttural moans erupt from his chest as his hot wet sperm seeped into her womb. 
It stretched to accommodate more sperm, she wailed with delight.
collapsed atop her panting.  His sweet scent mixed with Kellam's marking her as

Chapter Eight
    Z isa
watched as her two life-mates bickered.  Dressed in sleep pants, they argue
over what to do next.  The morning sun streamed into their elegant yet
cluttered room.  Clothes and dirty towels were strewn across the floor.  The night
had been filled with fucking.  She was sore but happy.  But now it was time to
go or so their reservations had stated.
where would they go?  To the sanctuary?  She had no desire to screw inside of a
place surrounded by so many empaths.  They continued their heated discussion.
she folded her arms and once again attempted to stand and dress.  Sunlight
streamed into the room, and she was ready to get dressed.  She stood and turned
toward the lavare.
Zisa, sit,” Feran ordered.
as I say!” he demanded.
sat back on the bed.  Angry she complied not wanting to add to the miasma. 
Surely, they could not be angry over sleeping arrangements.  She wondered if
something else simmered beneath the surface. 
shall remain here.  They will allow us to stay,” Kellam contended.
sharp edge lingered in his tone.  She had never heard him speak to Feran that
way before.  Undaunted, Feran continued.
will that happen?  By bending their will?  You know that is wrong!”
intend to reason with them,” Kellam said putting on his outer tunic. 
have seen your methods, “Feran growled, “they linger on the edge.”
blue-green eyes flashed and darkened.  He approached Feran.
is that supposed to mean?”
means I question your tactics,” he replied.
shared bond hummed.  Zisa shuttered as anger shot through them. 
stop,” she said jumping between them.  “Don't do this.  We are supposed to be
happy.  This is our honeymoon.”
their gazes locked, neither man responded.  She had to diffuse the situation. 
She thought quickly. 
I am cold.  There is a chill.  Please—”
will make you a fire,” he said stroking her hair, still eying Feran.
now,” she requested shivering.
calloused hands rubbed her arms.  The goosebumps on them added credence to her
story.  Yes she was cold but not because of the air.
are cold,” he said his voice softening.
walked toward the fireplace.  She grasped Feran's hand.  He stared at Kellam. 
love you,” she whispered.
would you get me something to eat?  I am hungry.”
expression softened.  “I forgot you did not have breakfast.  I will call for
the mechan.”
could you go to the kitchen and order it yourself?  I am quite thirsty and
would like some Jova Berry Juice.”
he said putting on his tunic.  “I will be back shortly.”
door closed behind her.  She sighed.  Tragedy averted.  Kellam walked toward
igniter is malfunctioning. We need to have it repaired.”
folded her arms and crossed her legs.  “Oh,” she said shivering. 
breasts bulged over her arms.  Kellam reached out his arm, calling a robe to
his hand.  He placed it over her. 
will have a mechan look at it.  I will be back shortly.”
the door, she was alone and relieved.  She sighed and collapsed onto the chair.
lifetime of this?” she shook her head. 
stood and hurried throwing on Kellam's tunic.  She scurried over to the
desk,” she said peering over her shoulder. 
hoped to have everything straightened out before their return.

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