Bloody Heretic

Read Bloody Heretic for Free Online

Book: Read Bloody Heretic for Free Online
Authors: Emily Barker
forced?” She asked. Claude, who had been tilting his chair back, fell backwards suddenly, smacking his head on the desk. They looked over at him, stunned. He pushed himself up , not looking at anyone but Dominic. The two men shared a loaded look and she instantly became suspicious.
        “ I ’ m fine. Go on. What were you saying Jeanne?” Claude said after he sat back down.
        “ I was saying, I will do whatever is necessary to blend in. I ’ m not going to endanger the mission. Thank you for the concern though, Orleans.” He inclined his head , satisfied in his chivalry. Lord, save me from White Knights. She watched Claude look from her to Gloria; he had a strange look on his face. The way an infant looked when it defecated.
        “ So wh at am I doing tonight?” Elliot asked.
        “ You ’ ll stay here with Claude until Adam and I come back from the club. Afterwards, we can go out and practice hunting again.” Elliot opened his mouth to protest but Vic cut him off, holding up a finger. “ No buts. ”
        “ This sucks. I ’ m not a baby.” He pouted.
        “ Then stop acting like one,” she replied.
        “ How about I show you some basics on the computer, El? The stuff you were asking about last night,” Claude offered. Elliot lit up like a Christmas tree.
        “ Sweet!” He exclaimed. Jeanne was pretty sure they were talking about Claude ’ s many hacking techniques. Nobody said anything about it, knowing that as long as Elliot was distracted he couldn ’ t get into trouble.
        “ So, are we about ready to get this show on the road?” Vic asked.
        “ Give me a minute to get changed and I ’ ll be right back,” Alex said as she stood up. As she walked towards the door, Jeanne decided to follow her. She slipped silently out the door and proceeded down the hallway after her.
        “ Alex,” she said, causing the younger girl to jump.
        “ Jesus Jeanne! Don ’ t do that! I ’ m not as technologically advance d as the rest of you assholes; you can ’ t just expect me to hear you.” She held her hand to her chest.
        “ I didn ’ t expect you to he ar me,” she told her. Alex opened her mouth, baffled by her statement but couldn ’ t find the words she was looking for.
        “ Okay. What did you need?” She kept walking.
        “ I just had a quick question, but I need to know you ’ re not going to repeat what I want to ask you.”
        “ Sure. Unless it ’ s something having to do with you killing us all in our sleep. Cause I wouldn ’ t really be surprised if it was.”
        “ No, I don ’ t want to kill you in your sleep. I was just wondering,” she closed the door behind Alex as they entered her room, “ have you ever seen Dominic with a woman?”
        “ What? Like sexually?” Alex asked, baffled.
        “ Yes, or in any other way other than work related. Or heard of someone he ’ s dated?”
        “ Why? Are you suggesting he ’ s gay?”
        “ Does that mean no? You haven ’ t seen him with a woman?” Jeanne asked, getting frustrated.
        “ No, I haven ’ t seen him with a woman. He hasn ’ t set off my radar but I guess since you brought it up I haven ’ t seen or heard about him with a nybody. Of course I never asked and I ’ ve only known him for a little over six months,” she answered. A thoughtful look came over her face. “ He seemed to get awfully pissed at Adam for sleeping around before he met Vic. I wonder if he had a crush on Adam or something!” She exclaimed , excited by the prospect. Jeanne held up her hands.
        “ Don ’ t jump to conclusions just yet. I only ask because I haven ’ t seen him with women either and it worries me that he ’ ll go into the club and not be convincing enough with the girls. I think that ’ s why he seems reluctant to g o. I would bring it up with him but if I ’ m wrong I don ’ t want to offend him. ”

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