Blood Soaked and Invaded - 02

Read Blood Soaked and Invaded - 02 for Free Online

Book: Read Blood Soaked and Invaded - 02 for Free Online
Authors: James Crawford
Tags: Survival, Zombies, undead, Apocalyptic, Zombie Apocalypse
zombie prior to returning it to the Ever After. One moment I was there, and the next I wasn’t. No white light at the end of a tunnel, no angels, no God and, thankfully, none of my immediately deceased relatives to welcome me. I hold out hope that my father, mother and brother are roasting in Hell and I really don’t want to join them there.

Chapter 4
    A sensation drew me back to consciousness. There was a feeling of having something where there shouldn’t be anything. The locus of the experience seemed to be between my legs, and I was very clear on the concept of what legs were and what lurked north of my knees. Enough of my noodle was working that the thought of something awful occurring in that area snapped me completely awake.
    Nancy Smith launched herself out of the chair beside the bed, squealing, “SHIT!”
    I clawed the covers off myself and fumbled madly with the cord that kept the bathrobe closed. Nancy came over, breathing heavily, and tried to calm me down.
    “Mr. Frank, you should lay down. Just lay down and I’ll go get Dr. J. Come on, Mr. Frank!” She pushed me backward, and I got a taste of how strong a nanotechnology-enhanced teenager can be. My head smacked the wall hard enough that I heard drywall crack. “Oh, fuck! I’m sorry, Mr. Frank! Oh, shit! Please don’t tell my parents that I’ve been cussing. Okay?”
    “Thanks!” She smiled the smile that launched a thousand abstinence advertisements and burned the topless erections of adolescence. With a quick pat on my head, she scooted out of the room at speed.
    With my perky guard absent, I got the robe open and found the source of my existential angst. Someone had stuck a tube up my Quixote. All I was able to do was stare at how it came out of me, meandered down the bed and dropped off the end… Tethered to the bed by my penis and this concerned me deeply.
    “!” I squeaked.
    “!” I squeaked again.
    “Woo-woo,” I warbled. I also flailed a little bit with my arms.
    As bothered as I was, it didn’t occur to me to simply tug on the tube to see what would happen. Instead, I batted at my bits, which only served to make me more aware of the distention of my urethra. Jayashri, Charlie, and young Nancy Smith arrived just in time to see my futile efforts.
    “Francis, stop!” Jayashri reached me first and held my hands away from the offending parts.
    “Frank, don’t do that,” Charlie chided and covered my groin with her hands.
    “OMG! Ew!” Nancy stood to the side, eyes bugging out of her head at the unfortunate tableau. “That’s so nasty!”
    “Girl, you aren’t even supposed to know penises exist at your age. Get gone!”
    “But! Ew!” She tried protesting, but it was feeble in the face of Charlie’s Alpha Female power.
    “Aw!” It was a sad parting shot, but she did as she was told.
    For my part, I was strangely soothed and elated. I understood that I knew these women, and had context for their presence in the room. I knew them.
    “Bbbbbbbbbb!” I babbled excitedly at Charlie. “Muh muh muh muh bbbbbbb!”
    “Hey! You’re making noises! That’s new!”
    “Francis, I want you to lay flat for a minute or two while I get gloves and then I will remove the catheter.” Jayashri smiled at me and squeezed my hands. I understood some of what she said, and complied.
    “Hey baby,” Charlie said, and drew my attention back to her. “Where have you been for the past two weeks? We were pretty worried about you!”
    I could see it on her face, but I could also see the relief as well. Unfortunately, I couldn’t answer the question, due in large part to not grasping the concepts. Sensing that she needed some response from me, I put my hands over hers and cooed at her. It got her to smile, and it meant the world to me to see it.
    Jayashri reappeared with a towel and rubber gloves.
    “Is that so,” Jaya asked me, by way of a reply to my interrogative noise. “I am happy to see that you

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