Blood Mate: A Paranormal Romance
his knife at his
side, pointing the silver blade down. The silver would burn her
badly. Even a shallow cut would hurt like hell. But he had to give
her a fair fight. She deserved it.
    “ Bryn,” he
murmured her name very softly.
    He saw her breath catch.
She'd heard him. She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut for
an instant, her body swaying slightly as she fought some internal
battle. Jett held himself absolutely still. This was her decision
to make. Fight him, or walk away.
    But he already knew what she
would do.
    Bryn never walked away from a
fight. She would give her all and give no quarter.
    Jett almost smiled.
    She was so small, a full head
shorter than him and her features were delicate and pretty. Long
dark lashes, a pert little nose, pouty lips, high cheekbones. She
wore her long blue-black hair in a thick braid which reached down to
her tiny waist. She was a very attractive female, tough, brave,
    She was one of his best
Enforcers, and she hunted rogues with a vengeance. She was right.
She was one of the first Enforcers on the scene, and the first
responders at a crime scene usually picked up on subtle details and
clues. They would have access to a raw, uncontaminated crime scene,
and vital facts and overlooked details would have embedded themselves
into their subconscious.
    That was the reason he had
chosen Levi, Jeanette and Scott. Yet he had left her out.
    He sighed. He had left her
out on purpose. To protect her.
    This was a very dangerous
case. Enforcers were being targeted. If he put her on the team, he
would be putting her in the cross hairs of the killers. She might be
hurt, caught, killed...
    Jett forced a sharp, painful
breath into his lungs.
    The thought of the killers
laying their hands on her almost made him snap his blade in two.
    He wanted to keep her away
from them, out of danger, out of the sight of the killers and his
    He had too many enemies.
    Enemies who would hurt her,
just to hurt him.
    He wanted her. He wanted her
so much it hurt. But he always maintained a distance from her. He
kept himself aloof and alone.
    He couldn't be close to
anyone. He couldn't love her. Loving her would get her killed.
    Jett took a step back, and
Bryn's dark eyes flashed. It was clear she was not going to let him
back away from her.
    With a feral cry, she flew
towards him, her knife gleaming as she slashed down. Jett dodged the
blow, and caught her wrist in his hand. He closed his fingers over
her dainty little wrist and jerked her towards him. Her face came
within an inch of his, and she glared up at him, her lips parted.
His lips brushed against the tip of her nose and hovered just above
her quivering, red lips. He could have kissed her, but that would be
a very bad idea.
    All his Enforcers were
watching the fight with keen, glowing eyes. They were looking for
cracks and weaknesses. Bryn couldn't afford to look weak. There
were young, ambitious, hungry Enforcers waiting to take her down and
take her place.
    And there were Senior
Enforcers who would challenge him for leadership.
    This was a test, for the both
of them.
    He would have to fight her
fairly, but he would have to be very careful.
    Bryn's eyes widened when he
released her abruptly. She staggered back and swallowed. With a
deep breath, she squared her shoulders and bent her knees slowly,
adopting a fighting stance. She was going to fight to the end.
Until one of them drew blood.
    Jett flicked the blade between
his fingers, his eyes assessing her. She seemed distracted and
irritated by the twirling of his blade. Jett shook his head subtly
at her. Focus, Bryn.
    She was breathing too fast,
her eyes darting in the wrong direction as she watched him play with
his knife. Jett spun his knife in front of him, letting the silver
blade somersault swiftly through the air before catching the hilt in
his palm. Bryn was staring at his spinning knife, not at him.
    Without warning, Jett crouched
and swept his leg out. He kicked her

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