the move worth your while, oui ?”
Evan nodded, a slight smile forming. He went to the next crate and pulled out a large microscope, carefully setting it on a worktable. He paused and turned back to Rufus. “May I ask you something, Monsieur?”
“But of course, Doctor. You may ask me anything.” Rufus thumbed through one of Evan’s many notebooks.
“It’s of a personal nature. Are you sure you don’t mind?”
Rufus closed the notebook and turned to him. “Please. If I may be of assistance.”
Evan nodded, unsure how to broach the subject. He cleared his throat and searched for the proper way to begin. “If I were…well, what I mean to say is, if another vampire were to…well, actually if any vampire were to…um…well…”
“Please, Doctor, simply ask the question. You will find that I am not easily embarrassed.”
No, but I am. Evan thought. “Very well.” He tried to begin again, “If a vampire were to ‘bite’ a human, either to feed or…maybe during heights of passion…”
Rufus nodded at him to continue, “ Oui ?”
“Well…are there risks involved?” he asked. “To the human, I mean. Could she be… turned into one of us?” he finally spit out. “Even accidentally?”
Thorn nodded as he slowly approached Evan. “I think I see where you are going, Doctor.” Thorn sat at one of the stools and took a comfortable position, “So allow me to explain to you how the bite works, oui ?
“When a vampire bites a human, either to feed or, as you said, in the height of passion, we secrete a special enzyme that causes the victim to feel a sense of euphoria. There is no pain almost immediately after the bite and the enzyme prevents clo tting until you are finished feeding. As soon as you are finished feeding, the virus in the mouth seals the wound and leaves barely a scar.
“But as far as turning someone simply from a bite? Non , not unless you drained them to the point of death. If you kill the victim, then the virus in the mouth can turn them, but unless you give them your blood, they will not truly be vampiri … non , they would be…something else.”
Evan thought hard about Rufus’ words. He wanted so much to believe him, yet…he was hesitant. This was a vampire that claimed to put human life above all other things…even his own life and the lives of his followers. Yet he would willingly sacr ifice entire species of sentient beings to stop the Sicarii. Evan simply wasn’t sure if he could believe him. He turned to Rufus and studied his eyes. “How can you be sure?”
“How can I be…you question me, Doctor? Or do you que stion that I would tell you the truth?”
Evan sighed slightly and sat down. “I question everything when it deals with the woman I care about, Monsieur. I would do nothing that could possibly risk her life.”
Rufus nodded. “And yet she craves your bite?”
“I don’t know about ‘craves’, but she has asked me to bite her,” he admitted. “And I so very much want to.”
Rufus gave him a knowing smile. “I understand the desire, my dear Doctor.” His voice was tinged with sadness. “But please, allow me to offer this small bit of advice. Your bite can be addictive to her.” Evan studied him suspiciously as Rufus explained. “The bite of a vampire, especially during the height of passion can be beyond… erotic . It can be more than simply pleasing ,” he stated with a knowing look in his eye. “And the bite will leave her wanting more. And more. And more. Until she reaches a point where all she wants is for you to bite her.”
“Like a drug addiction?”
“ Oui . Very much so.”
Evan shook his head. “I could never do such a thing to her.”
“And you needn’t do it, either.” Rufus stood and slowly approached him. “Now, please…do not misunderstand…an occasional bite during the peak of ecstasy is one thing, but biting regularly? Non . This is not good.”
Evan nodded. “I think I’d rather just avoid it