Blog of the Dead (Book 1): Sophie

Read Blog of the Dead (Book 1): Sophie for Free Online

Book: Read Blog of the Dead (Book 1): Sophie for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Richardson
Tags: Zombies
way we could get in but I shook one of the doors out of frustration and sorrow and anger. It was noisier than I thought it would be, noisy enough to wake the dead.
    The double doors on the other side of the café swung inwards and a mass of hideous zombies staggered into view. More came up the stairs to the right. They lumbered towards us. ‘Fuck,’ said Sam. ‘Let’s get out of here.’
    I didn’t move. The doors between us and the zombies were strong. We were safe. And I was fascinated. As the zombies reached the doors and started banging on the glass with their rotten hands that left greasy, bloody smears, I stared at each and every one of them. Their putrid mouths opened as they groaned their frustration at me. I could see their longing and their need as they pushed and shoved against each other, all vying for front row.
    I could see Laura. I could see Tate and Anna, and many other faces that I recognised as either friends or just background people, mostly Performing Arts students. I touched the glass where Laura reached for me, my hand pressing against her ravaged one. Her dead eyes contained no recognition.
    ‘Ah, sweet,’ said Polly next to me. ‘I’m sure we can bust you in if you want to play with your friend, Sophie.’
    I ignored her. I felt a hand on my waist and knew it was Sam. He pressed into me.
    ‘Just come away,’ he said, and he pulled me gently back.
    I hadn’t been aware that I’d started crying, but my cheeks were soaking wet. Sam turned me to him and wiped them away with his sleeve.
    ‘I’m sorry.’ It was Polly who spoke. I looked at her. ‘I’m a bitch,’ she said.
    It was then that the mural painted on the wall around the outside seating area caught my eye; a quote from Albert Einstein in big black letters painted onto a white background: ‘Creativity is contagious. Pass it on’. I’d read those words, or maybe just glanced at them, so many times on the way into uni, but they had never made more sense. I started laughing.
    We left and headed into town. There were a few zombies about but we managed to avoid them. Polly pulled us into Wilkinsons. Of course! I’d forgotten about Wilkinsons. We didn’t have to walk all the way to Asda. We crept through the deserted store and, thankfully, found food on the shelves. We filled carrier bags with as much food as we could carry. We picked up some long bladed kitchen knives and some claw hammers, anything that we thought would make a good weapon. Satisfied, we headed home.
    November 28
1.25pm Day 15
Today’s a good day. I’ve got a reasonably full stomach and I’m listening to Queens of the Stone Age in Sam’s room. He’s sitting next to me, his leg resting casually over mine. Which isn’t that unpleasant at all. Polly’s downstairs making tea. We have milk – yay!
    I left some food in Mrs Barton’s back garden earlier. It felt like the right thing to do.
    I’ve had an email from my family. They’re ok, thank God. And I’ve caught up with some friends back home on Facebook. Not many though.
    November 29
9.40am Day 16
I’m trying to convince the other two that we should get straight back out there and bag some more food. We’ve got enough to last a good week if we ration it well. But I had a thought that we’d be wise to, like, stock up. I mean, there’s not going to be any more deliveries coming. What’s there now is it until … until we learn how to grow it ourselves, I guess. So I think we should get our mitts on as much as we can before someone else does.
    I wish we could just go online and sign up for Waitrose home delivery service. That’s what my mum used to do. A whole weeks worth of groceries dropped off on your doorstep. Mum suggested that she arrange a weekly delivery for me when I left home to come here. But I said no. I mean, I would have felt like a right twat, mummy doing my shopping for me. But actually, I think my housemates would have loved it. Especially Richard. That stoner would have been

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