Blissfully Broken
hope to talk
to Ryan but found him asleep in bed. She undressed and joined him.
She was shocked how lonely she felt laying beside Rye. She snuggled
up and tried to regain their connection. Her heart froze when he
heard him whisper in his sleep, “Kelly…”
    Jenny didn’t speak to him about it the next
morning, but insisted on having lunch together. He told her he
didn’t have the time, but she would not take no for an answer. They
met at a restaurant close to his office. It meant an extra twenty
minutes of travel time for her, but she didn’t care. Even so, Ryan
was ten minutes late. She squelched her anger when he finally sat
across from her.
    “Well, you got me here. What do you want?”
he said unenthusiastically, looking at his watch.
    She didn’t beat around the bush. “You said
Kelly’s name in your sleep last night.” He rubbed his chin, but
offered no reply. She wasn’t going to let his lack of response
deter her. “I’ve felt for quite some time that you were hiding
something from me.”
    “It’s nothing.”
    Her lip trembled. “Don’t lie to me, Ryan.
Why would you say her name?”
    He sighed and opened up the menu to avoid
looking at her. “Kelly has called me on several occasions, but it’s
not important.”
    She slammed the menu down. “Not important!
This is the same woman who hit me with her car.”
    “Kelly was desperate to apologize about
that, so she called me. It turns out it was just an accident. When
she hit you, she immediately pulled away. That’s probably why the
cop didn’t see her.”
    “So you buy that story?” Jenny felt a
churning in her stomach. “Rye, I don’t believe her, not for a
second. And I don’t understand why you are talking to her.”
    “Look, she’s the one calling me.”
    “Yes, but you don’t have to answer the
    He gave her a look she couldn’t read and
then he said in a low whisper. “I don’t think you realize how much
your actions devastated her. She is not as strong as I am. You and
Dan really hurt her, Jen.”
    Jenny cringed, knowing it was true. “I never
meant to...”
    “Regardless, she needed someone to talk to
who understands. No one can relate unless they’ve been through it,”
he replied with an undertone of resentment. “I’ve been trying to
help her cope.”
    It pissed Jenny off that Kelly was talking
to Ryan. “When was the last time she called you?” she demanded.
    “Yesterday. It’s probably why I said her
name last night.” He obviously could read the pain in her eyes
because he added, “Trust me, Jen. There is nothing going on. You
don’t need to worry.”
    Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Then why
would you keep it a secret from me?”
    Ryan seemed completely sincere when he
answered, “I didn’t see any point in upsetting you over
    She took his hand and held it. “But didn’t
we promise not to keep anything from each other?”
    He stared at their hands intertwined
together and looked as if he was contemplating saying more.
Instead, he gazed into her eyes. She swore his jade eyes held a
secret she wasn’t privy to.
    “Talk to me, Rye.”
    He closed his eyes and turned away. “You
know what? I don’t have time for this. You can order anything you
like, but I really need to get back to the office.”
    Ryan didn’t even wait for her to reply. He
got up and spoke to the waitress, leaving Jenny alone at the table.
The tears fell onto her empty plate. The waitress came up and
explained that Ryan had taken care of the bill. When Jenny didn’t
reply, the kindhearted women refilled her glass of water and told
her to take as much time as she needed.
    She didn’t stay. Jenny gathered her things
and ran out of the restaurant. She thought she saw Kelly disappear
around the corner as she made her way out. Was that bitch
stalking them?
    Jenny returned to work, a jumble of nerves.
She couldn’t concentrate and asked to leave early. She was shocked
to find Ryan waiting at home when she got

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