Blissfully Broken
It was
exciting having control of two cocks at the same time, making her
men wait for their turn with her mouth.
    Dan and Ryan both watched her intently,
hunger radiating from their eyes. She glanced up at them, slowly
taking Ryan’s cock in her mouth while she stroked Dan’s with vigor.
Rye played with her midnight hair, groaning under his breath. She
popped him out of her mouth and started on Dan, caressing Ryan’s
shaft in a rolling motion. Both men cried out, causing Jenny to
suck and stroke with more enthusiasm.
    “This won’t take long,” Dan groaned.
    “Tell me when you’re ready and I’ll stick my
tongue out so you both can bathe it,” she said, her voice ripe with
    She directed her attention back on Ryan,
determined to get him to orgasm at the same time as Dan. She sucked
hard and moaned on his shaft. He grabbed her head and pushed her
further on his dick and then announced, “Oh yeah, I coming.”
    She pulled away and opened her mouth wide,
sticking out her tongue to catch his seed. Dan moved beside her and
put his hand over hers so that together they stroked his shaft.
Both men’s cocks erupted with white gold. She moaned in pleasure as
they covered her tongue with their essence. She swallowed several
times, not wanting to miss a drop but there was too much and some
dripped from her chin onto her chest.
    Ryan bent down and pressed his forehead
against hers. “Thank you...”
    She purred, “No, thank you. I’ve wanted to
do that forever.”
    “I guess I’m an idiot for waiting so
    Jenny smiled up at Ryan lovingly. “Well,
you’re an idiot no longer.”

Kelly’s Revenge
    Despite his promise, Ryan’s hours did not
decrease after the project ended. He stayed late into the night as
the weeks progressed, coming home exhausted and drained. “Rye, you
have to stop killing yourself. You can’t keep this up forever,”
Jenny told him, concerned for his mental and physical health.
    “I’m so close to making junior partner I can
taste it, Jen! I don’t care what it takes. Soon you’ll be looking
at the next junior partner.”
    “But you know I don’t care about that. I
just want my Rye back.”
    Ryan glared at her. “What do you mean you
don’t care? You know this is important to me. To us .”
    She wrapped her arms around him. “I never
cared about you becoming junior partner. You’re the only one who
cares about that stuff. All I want is to spend quality time with
    He shook himself from her embrace angrily.
“I’m doing this for us and you act like it’s nothing. Like it
doesn’t even matter.”
    She rolled her eyes playfully, ignoring his
outburst. “You know what they say, all work and no play…”
    “I expect your support, Jenny. I don’t
appreciate you undermining me like this.” He stalked off to the
bedroom and slammed the door behind him.
    Jenny looked over at Dan with tears in her
eyes. “I’m losing him. He’s going back to the old Ryan.”
    “He’s under a lot of pressure right
    “Of his own making!” she snapped. “He
doesn’t have to work such awful hours.”
    Dan said calmly, “He’s doing it for
    “No, he says he is doing it for me, but I
would rather have Rye here and he knows it.” Jenny was so
frustrated that she grabbed her purse and headed out of the
apartment. She ended up at a playground nearby, sitting on a swing
with a single streetlight shining down on her. She appreciated the
calming effect swinging had on her. It helped her to think more
    A part of her resented that Ryan didn’t care
how his long hours affected her. In a way, Dan was a crutch for
him. Ryan could work as late as he wanted without feeling guilty
about it. What he didn’t take into account was that the intimate
time she craved with him was becoming few and far between. The
current situation wasn’t working for her. Once he became junior
partner she was certain it would only get worse.
    When she returned home, she’d

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