Bishop (Political Royalty Book 3)
Walker with his gaze, staring holes through him, but the senator held his ground. “But Haven? She’ll be ruined. There’s no coming back for her. An affair with her married client will torpedo her career and take mine down with it.”
    She could see the betrayal etched in his face and it sliced at her heart. It was exactly what she’d known he would say, and she had no argument. His words were indisputable. It didn’t stop her from wanting to explain herself, to try to make him understand that it was more than just sex. But none of that mattered now. She opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out. Walker spoke for her.
    “It’s more than just sex. I love Haven.”
    Her stomach tightened the way it did every time she heard him say the words. Justin turned his attention from her to Walker.
    “If that was really true, you’d stay away from her. Before you destroy her.”
    This time when he looked at her, there was still pain in his expression, but she also saw something else, a softening around his eyes as he watched her reaction to the senator’s words.
    “You have to decide what you want,” he said, starting toward the door. “You have a chance to make history. I thought that’s what all this was about.” He sounded like he was talking to Walker, but he was looking at her. “Or were you just passing the time until something better came along? Don’t wait for someone else to make the decision for you.” Hand on the doorknob, he turned back to face them. “And don’t fuck me over. I deserve better than this.”
    “Justin, wait,” she pleaded.
    He flinched but didn’t hesitate. He left the room without looking back. The sob caught in her throat as the door closed behind him.
    “I’m so sorry.” Walker came to stand behind her, resting his hands on her arms. “I didn’t realize he was here.”
    His palms felt warm and steady against her skin. More than anything, she wanted to believe the lie his touch told. That he was strong enough to hold the world at bay. Steady enough to quiet the crazy. She wanted to lean into him and let him take the wheel for a while. Give over control and relax into his love. But Justin took something with him when he left. The man who’d been more of a brother than a partner held up a mirror, and she couldn’t ignore the reflection.
    She loved Walker. He was a good man, the real thing, and he had a chance to make a difference in the world, to help build a better future for millions of people he’d never really know. It was a once in a generation kind of thing; the kind of thing that could change the course of history. Loving her screwed that up for him. Loving him screwed things up for her and for Justin.
    It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Finding the one person she couldn’t live without, the man she could give herself to body and soul, was supposed to lift both of them up. Not tear them down. Not threaten to destroy them.
    “Stop it.” He gripped her arms, shaking her gently. “I know what you’re thinking and you’re wrong. I don’t know why it worked out like this. If I could take it back, I wouldn’t get married. I’d stay single so when you showed up, I’d be ready. I’d change it in a heartbeat if I could.” He spun her to face him, and she turned reluctantly, knowing refusing him when they were face-to-face would be a thousand times harder. He tipped her chin up, forcing her to meet his gaze. Faced with the certainty—with the love shining in his eyes—something deep inside her relaxed and she could finally take a full breath. “I love you, Haven. And it’s messy and risky and worth it. Loving you is worth it. I couldn’t stop if I wanted to.”
    “It doesn’t matter,” she said, using every bit of strength she possessed to pull free of him. “None of it matters if we ruin everything and everyone around us. Loving each other can’t destroy everything we’ve worked for. It’s not supposed to be like that.”
    “I don’t care how

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