Bishop (Political Royalty Book 3)
they’d turned a corner and were charging hard toward the finish line. The race for the nomination was nowhere near over, but every day brought them one step closer and victory was hanging right there in front of them.
    Justin sensed it too. She could tell. Everything they did, every interview, every stop all took on an extra layer of importance. It felt like it had in the months leading up to the senatorial win in Virginia, only amped up a thousand times over. It also required every bit of her focus, which was great considering the fact that Sandra had become a daily fixture in the campaign.
    Haven gave her all to the candidate and ignored for the time being everything she’d given to the man. If it meant she missed some meals and got used to running on a handful of hours of sleep at night, it was a small price to pay, considering the prize. And in the meantime, thanks to Justin’s skill as a hunter-gatherer, she had sugar. She tore open a package of peanut butter cups, groaning in pleasure as the unadulterated sweetness hit her tongue. Justin glanced over at her from where he sat on the other side of the bed and rolled his eyes.
    “You couldn’t at least start with something that had seen a whole grain?”
    “Don’t delude yourself. Read the label. Your whole grain options are as nutritionally void as my candy and my choice tastes better. And it’s more honest.”
    He raised his Diet Coke in a mock toast. “I’m not reading any of the labels, and you can’t make me. I’m far more comfortable and much less hungry in my ignorance.”
    With exaggerated gusto, he crunched noisily on some kind of cracker and she laughed. She popped the last of the peanut butter cup in her mouth as someone rapped softly on her hotel room door. For a moment, she debated trying to ignore it. Aside from Justin, Walker was the only one who showed up at her room this late at night. There wasn’t enough spin in the world to hide what was going on from her partner when he found out the married candidate was waiting outside her door instead of in bed with his wife.
    That rap sounded again, and Justin gave her a look that asked a lot of questions she wasn’t ready to answer. She crossed the room and peered through the peephole. Walker stood in the hallway, looking determined and so good, she had to remind herself to breathe. Feeling the train wreck coming and powerless to stop it, she opened the door. He was in her room with his hands gripping her hips, pulling her to him before she could warn him about her partner. She pressed her hands against his chest as he bent to kiss her, but it was too late.
    “One of you want to tell me what the fuck you’re doing?”
    Haven pulled out of Walker’s grip and turned to face Justin. Her partner looked mad enough to hit something and she honestly couldn’t blame him. Not only had she been lying to him: every risky step she’d taken jeopardized Justin’s future as clearly as her own.
    “Justin, I...” she started, but he didn’t wait for her to finish.
    “Never mind.” He spat out the words, disgust clear in his tone. “I can figure it out on my own. What I really want to know is how long you thought you’d get away with it. Oh, and is the sex so fucking fantastic that it’s worth risking the presidency for?”
    Every word he said hit her like a solid tangible thing, and she took a step back as if she’d been struck.
    “That’s enough,” said Walker, positioning himself between them.
    “No, Senator, I don’t think it is. You see, when the press finds out about the two of you—and they will, eventually they always do—you’ll get off with a mea culpa and some time out of the spotlight at home with your family. I seriously doubt Mrs. Walker would divorce you for cheating on her. Surely this isn’t the first time. In a year, you’ll be back in front of the voters, no worse for the wear. Hell, they forgave Anthony Weiner once, and he sent dick pics out into the world.” He pinned

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