Birthright (Residue Series #2)

Read Birthright (Residue Series #2) for Free Online

Book: Read Birthright (Residue Series #2) for Free Online
Authors: Laury Falter
yellow patterned dress away from a smoldering log. “While the façade of our school has been tainted, the inside is safely intact. That said, we have decided it is in the best interest , of students and teachers alike , for classes to be combined from this point forward.” The crowd erupted in murmurs as a surprised expression settled on just about everyone’s dimly lit face . Only Jameson showed no reaction. “From now on, our professors will share in a rotation so that you’ll have a new teacher and a new topic each week.”
    “Back to the old way… ha… Ms. Veilleux?” shouted a sturdy boy , whose name I couldn’t remember.
    “Yes, Jonah,” she replied, showing contempt for the interruption. “Now, you’ll also find we have a few guests with us.”
    In unison, all heads turned toward the Vire standing outside a classroom door. When he came out of the shadows , I was able to get a better look at him and immediately recognized him as the one who made the suspiciously close sweep in the hallway this morning. With the smooth contour of his hairless scalp and his long, sinewy limbs, emphasizing how his height towered over us, he was just as striking now. When he removed his sunglasses, I didn’t miss the arresting amber-color of his eyes or the fact that they were pinned on Jameson, despite dipping his chin toward me and my cousins. A swell of anger and resentment came crashing over me as I realized he had followed us here. The feelings were so powerful I nearly missed the end of Ms. Veilleux’s announcement.
    “Theleo Alesius and his colleagues will be sitting in on your class for an indeterminate length of time. As silent participants, they will not be expected to participate. They may leave the room at any time and may return at any time.”
    “She’s publicly laying the ground rules for them,” whispered Vinnia , from behind me.
    “Vires don’t follow rules,” Oscar replied, stiffly.
    “In short,” Ms. Veilleux continued, raising her voice and peering in our direction, “there should be no interaction between any student and Theleo or his colleagues. Now…get to class.”
    Theleo had three other Vires with him, one of them being Mrs. Gaul, the snide woman from my class earlier today. We learned this after entering the room and finding one positioned in the center of each wall. Unfortunately, we’d needed to pass by Theleo first.
    Most students passed him silently, with their heads down , an extreme departure from the usually talkative crowd. Ironically, only those with the most to lose kept their heads up. My cousins and the Caldwells, Jameson included, entered the room with a proud tip of their chins.
    I was the only one who took a different approach. I looked him in the eye while passing by , sending an unspoken message. If he was going to cast against us, I wanted him to feel certain I knew it was him. It was a maneuver Jameson would not approve of , so I was thankful when he entered before me.
    As I did this, one thing stood out…I didn’t see in Theleo what I’d expected. There was no defiance, no resentment, and no threat whatsoever. If I had to name what I saw, I’d label it curiosity.
    All of the emotions I’d expected from him were actually coming from me ; this realization left me a little unnerved as I moved by him.
    Inside the classroom , I noticed the Caldwells and the Weatherfords were following the agreed upon course of action. Appearing to still be at odds, the families stood on opposite sides of the room. I took my assumed position next to my cousins, daring a quick glance at Jameson in the process.
    He unabashedly stared across at us, his handsome face disturbingly expressionless. It was the perfect disguise. He looked like he was hesitantly complacent about our presence there. The rest of the Caldwells avoided eye contact with us. They were focused on the teacher in the center of the room.
    She was short and petite, wearing an abundance of flashy jewelry over a deep blue

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