Bet On Love

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Book: Read Bet On Love for Free Online
Authors: Barbara Witek
slowly lowered his fork.
    “I know,” he said. “She stopped by the hospital and left some for my staff.” He took a drink of water, eyeing me over the rim as if he expected me to get jealous or something. When he didn’t get the reaction he’d been waiting for, he resumed eating his baked potato.
    “Lovely girl,” I prodded, wanting to get the scoop behind their situation. Something had to have happened to sour their relationship, and I was determined to make it right.
    “Mmm Hmm,” he said with a mouth-full. I could tell he was going to remain tight-lipped on this one, which was okay, because I wasn’t about to give up. There was a negotiation technique for everyone, and I’d perfected them all.
    “So why aren’t you two an item?” I tore a piece of bread and waited. Cole swallowed hard, and I wanted to laugh at his expression of pure terror.
    “What did you say to her?” He narrowed his gaze, obviously catching on that I was up to something.
    “Not much really.” I kept my tone even and relaxed. “She seemed in a hurry to be on her way to visit with Jane. From what I saw, Cole, she’s just your type. You two would look darling together.”
    “Well, she’s not my type, and you’re sounding like my mother.” His voice held a note of aggravation, but I wasn’t about to be discouraged.
    “How is that cute little thing not your type? She’s all but--”
    “Drop it, Shelby.” He gave me a warning look.
    “What? I’m just saying she seems like a good match for you. I think your mom knows what she’s talking about. Have you and Mary Beth even gone on a date?”
    “Can we talk about something else?” He sighed, and I wondered if maybe he and Mary Beth had some kind of past. Something had to be holding him back from making a move.
    “My Grandma used to say I was as determined as a honeybee on a gladiolus,” I crooned in my best southern dialect and fanned my face with my napkin.
    “Where do you come up with this stuff?” He laughed once more, and I decided if we wouldn’t talk about his relationship, then we’d talk about our annulment.
    “Have you heard from Judge Matt?” I sipped my iced tea and held his stare across the table.
    “It’s probably going to be another week before he gets back into town. I hate to keep you here like this, so if you want to fly back to L.A. a day early, you can. I’ll cover for you and say you had to go back and wrap things up.”
    “Okay,” I replied. Now that was a smart idea and quite possibly the perfect solution to our current predicament. My friends and clients would never need to know about the marriage, and Cole could explain everything to his family once it was over and I was gone for good. Now I wouldn’t have a chance to hook him back up with Mary Beth. But as long as he followed through with the annulment, I guess I didn’t need to worry about that anymore.
    “Once Matt returns, I’ll put you on the next flight back to Mission.”
    “Are you sure everyone will buy your story? This could get weird, not that it isn’t already.” I looked down at my salad and tossed the dressing around with my fork, disturbed by the multitude of emotions clawing at my heart. Cole cleared his throat to get my attention.
    “Don’t worry, babe.” He winked. “I’ll be your alibi with the family. Trust me; no dishonor will befall you, fair maiden. I know how to spin a good one.”
    “You are so full of it. And for the last time, I am not your babe.” I stabbed at a cherry tomato, needing to avoid his blue-eyed mischief. “But I appreciate what you’re doing.”
    “I’m beginning to think the less time you spend here, the better. You have no idea how many times my mother and sister-in-law text me today about you, and Abbey too for that matter.” He looked at me as if he wanted to say something else, but changed his mind. “We don’t want everyone getting too attached.”
    “Aww, they are so sweet,” I couldn’t help saying and meaning it.

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