
Read Berch for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Berch for Free Online
Authors: V. Vaughn
you in town?”
    “I’m not sure.” I guess he’s not going to give up unless I’m blunt. “Look, I’m flattered you’re interested in me, but I’m dating Berch.”
    Parker snorts. “Berch? Seriously, Raven, what on earth do you see in that dweeb? He teaches science.”
    His words remind me of how judgmental he was in high school and that he bordered on being a bully. “You’ll be surprised to hear I find smart guys sexy.”
    Parker grabs my arm and stops me. A cyclist is approaching, and he tugs me onto the dirt so I’m inches from him. “You used to find me sexy. Give me a chance to remind you why.”
    He hasn’t let go of my arm, and the heat transmitted through his fingers tells me he’s a werewolf. Suddenly I’m afraid of what he’s really getting at. Parker’s gaze is intense, and I resist the urge to squirm. Does he want to make me his mate? I pull my arm away. “I’m sorry. I’m really into Berch.”
    Parker just nods, and I say, “I’m going to continue my run. Bye.” I take off in a near sprint and dart off the trail to a narrow path that leads into the woods. It also goes by where Berch lives, and I run faster, because I have a sudden need to be near him.
    I slow my pace once the cover of the forest hides me. But within a few steps, the desire to get to Berch as quickly as possible makes me speed up again. I can’t explain it, but my senses tell me I’m in danger. I listen to my gut and scan my surroundings as my panting fills my ears and my lungs begin to burn with the hunger for oxygen.
    My phone is in my back pocket, and I slow down enough to pull it out. Berch put his number in last night, and the contact window is still open when I manage to punch in my passcode. I hit call and glance around once again. Movement catches my eye, and a streak of black comes toward me. What the hell? My split-second reaction is to drop and roll out of the way.
    Sharp pain bursts in my shoulder, and I scramble to my knees as a low growl sounds. Shit. A wolf is standing on the path in front of me, and I freeze in place. Where is my phone? I yell, hoping Berch has answered and can hear me. “Stay away from me!”
    The wolf sits and tilts his head like a dog who doesn’t understand. Wonderful. I’m being an idiot. I realize he’s not going to attack me. It’s probably a friend of Berch’s, and he thinks I’m just some stupid human. I say, “I know what you are. I’m sorry I freaked out. You surprised me.”
    The wolf lowers himself to his belly and splays his legs out like a playful puppy, and I walk toward him slowly as he gazes at me. He’s a beautiful creature with mostly black fur, and I raise my hand, as I’m tempted to stroke it. But I’m not up on werewolf customs and don’t know if that’s an insulting thing to do, so I drop my arm and stop moving.
    A small whine comes from the wolf, and I ask, “Did you want me to touch you?”
    He reaches his head out in a gesture that make me assume he does. As I reach forward, his lips curl up, and the wolf lunges toward me. Heavy paws land on my chest, and I fall back. I squirm and roll, trying to get free of the skunky stench of his breath. It’s no use, because he’s got me pinned. I cringe when his snout lowers. Oh God, he’s going to bite me! I squeeze my eyes shut to prepare for the pain.
    A deep growl rings out, and the black wolf is struck and thrown off of me. I sit up quickly to discover another wolf, and the angry snarls and snapping jaws of the two fighting make me jump to my feet and run. I move faster than I thought possible to the safety of Berch’s home.
    My feet pound up the steps to his deck, and I yank at the glass door I pray he hasn’t locked. It swishes open, and I yell, “Berch!” I slam it shut and bend over to place my hands on my thighs and catch my breath. He’s not here, and when my heart rate returns to normal, I turn to look outside. Torn clothing is scattered on the porch. Berch’s shirt.
    The glass is cool

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