Believing in Dreamland

Read Believing in Dreamland for Free Online

Book: Read Believing in Dreamland for Free Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
Tags: Erótica
flexed her fingers just to prove that she could.
    “Are you okay?” Hastings asked.
    “Yes. So there was nothing useful?”
    “No, nothing.” Hastings frowned.
    The doctor with the hypnosis talents nodded. “Sometimes the process can jog your memory. If anything comes back to you, let us know.”
    “Sure.” She tried to get up, but Hastings waved her back in the chair.
    “Your base has sent over the verdict on the situation.”
    “I’m not cleared to go back to work? I thought that’s what all this was.” She gestured to the room full of people.
    “You’re cleared, yes. As in you’re not a danger to yourself or others. However, the Air Force takes a very specific view on the sighting of UFOs. Since that is your official version of events, you’ve been honorably discharged, along with the rest of your team.”
    “What?” She hopped out of the chair. “We did nothing wrong!”
    “Hence, the honorably. I have invited your friends to stay here and work with us on the alien matter. You’re welcome to do so, assuming you can keep your temper in check.”
    Sammie stared at the Commander. Her family had a long line of Air Force members and being drummed out wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was screwing three men at once. How could she explain any of this to her family?
    “Do you want to join your boyfriends in the defeat of the alien invaders, Ms. Montgomery? You’re very welcome. We’ll even let you join them in their quarters, but you won’t be back at your base in California.” Hastings smiled.
    What else could she do? The aliens had almost taken her. They certainly could’ve blown them all out of the sky. This was a way to help her country. “Fine. I’ll stay.”
    “I should warn you. If there are any follow-up questions, they will revolve around you,” Hastings said.
    “Why? We were all frozen in that beam. Your mind doctors proved that I never left my ship.”
    “Yes, but the human female in a group of alien males is the most vulnerable. Also, we believe the Keelons are most interested in this dynamic. They want to see if breeding is possible. So I’d make sure you’re on the pill.”
    Hastings nodded curtly and left.
    Free to leave, Sammie stormed off to find her men on the other side of the glass. She’d had no idea they were watching. “Our room. Now!”
    She stalked off before they could say a word. Making it to the quarters first, she kicked off her shoes and flopped on the couch. Out of the Air Force. Her best friends and squadron buddies were aliens! The best sex in her life was with men who had lied to her.
    The guys walked in cautiously.
    “It’s not what you think, Sam.” Jonah sat next to her.
    “You’re not Keelons? You’re not aliens like the ones that froze us? Stole our time?” she asked.
    “Yes, but you don’t know the whole story.” Dorian sat down in front of her.
    She began to feel boxed in. “You had sex with me and never told me you’re not human.”
    Mason sat on the other side of her. “Because we’d just been abducted. Not because we don’t trust you. We wanted to tell you for years, but if we did, the Air Force would’ve kicked us out. We’d have been sent here for containment, and you’d think we were jerks. Or crazy. It would have ruined everything.”
    “So you lied and then used me. Now, Hastings tells me all of this. We’re all discharged but have to stay here?” She tried to process it the way she processed military orders. Only she wasn’t military anymore. Her career was over. The relationships she’d hoped to have were now crazy.
    “We’re staying here to help fight the aliens. We’re the best pilots the government has. We can do this. Together.” Jonah held her hand.
    “You guys have a hell of a lot of nerve! So what do you really look like? Why does Hastings trust you?” Her mind cramped.
    “Slow down. You’re very safe.” Dorian rubbed her feet.
    “I can defend myself against human men. Whatever you are, I don’t

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