Believe in Me: A Rosewood Novel

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Book: Read Believe in Me: A Rosewood Novel for Free Online
Authors: Laura Moore
rose before her. With the cherry trees planted at each corner of the house in riotous bloom, and rows upon rows of hot pink tulips in between, the mansion reminded Jordan of a tiered wedding cake decorated by a frosting-mad pastry chef.
    Not exactly her style.
    Still, the house represented an important example of Warburg’s rich architectural history. Jordan loved the eclectic character of her hometown, and, without question, the over-the-top showiness definitely appealed to some.
    Jordan pulled the Rover up next to a silver Mercedes, killed the engine, and checked her reflection in the rearview mirror. She quickly retouched her lipstick and smoothed a stray lock away from her face. Drawing a deep breath, she climbed out of the car. It was time to charm the dragon lady.

A MAID in a gray, white-aproned uniform opened the door and led Jordan to the living room. Nonie Harrison, seated on a raspberry-and-gold-striped sofa, rose when Jordan was announced and came around the sofa to press her too-taut cheek fleetingly against Jordan’s—Warburg’s interpretation of a welcoming kiss.
    “Jordan, dear, how good of you to come. It’s been ages since we’ve seen each other.”
    “How well you look, Nonie. That color blue is wonderful on you.”
    “Thank you. I picked it up at Worth when I was in New York last week.” She fingered the raw silk tunic that she’d paired with dark gold palazzo pants. Addressing the maid she said, “Sonia, please bring us some champagne.”
    The maid nodded. “Yes, Mrs. Harrison.” And she left the room.
    “Come sit by me so I can take a look at you.” She patted the sofa with a manicured hand, then turned toward her as Jordan obliged. “Well, who wouldn’t have a few extra lines after the horrors you’ve been through this year? But you really must try and take better care of yourself. The seaweed masque at True Beauty works wonders. And ask for Trina. She’s marvelous.”
    “Thank you.” Jordan managed to keep her smile in place, knowing that this was only the first of many such digs she would receive during the course of their lunch. Nonie wasnever one to worry about others’ feelings, and no subject was off-limits to Nonie, no matter how private or painful.
    “And how are the children holding up? Are they very miserable, the poor darlings?”
    Case in point. “How kind of you to ask. They’re doing very well. Olivia’s getting bigger every day, and Kate and Max are very happy at their preschool. All three adore their aunts Margot and Jade. And like all Radcliffes, they’ve become horse mad. Jade is teaching Max and Kate to ride. And now Olivia’s starting to get rides, too.”
    “You are
good to trust Jade with your precious angels. It shocks me how wild and unpredictable teens are these days. And Jade with that hair! It must be such a trial for you, wondering what she’ll do next.”
    Had she not needed this decorating commission, she would have thoroughly enjoyed giving Nonie a piece of her mind. But starting a business in this economy was no easy task. At this stage she couldn’t pick her clients, and alienating Nonie would be tantamount to professional suicide. While she might not be able to retaliate, she didn’t intend to roll over for her, either.
    “You’re absolutely right. Jade is always surprising us—and with more than her hair color. Margot and I were bowled over when Mr. Farkas, the high school principal, told us that she’d scored so high on her achievement tests that she’d qualified for a National Merit Scholarship. With that and her riding, I think she’ll have a nice pick of colleges to choose from next year.”
    Nonie’s lips pursed ever so slightly.
    Jordan had only a moment to savor her successful parry, for Sonia entered the living room, balancing a tray laden with a bottle of champagne and cut-crystal champagne flutes. Then she noticed the tall, dark-haired man who’d followed Sonia into the living room and the fact that there were three

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