Behold Here's Poison

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Book: Read Behold Here's Poison for Free Online
Authors: Georgette Heyer
undertake to state definitely that he was not poisoned upon a purely superficial examination.'
    She looked a little troubled, and presently said: 'I do wish there hadn't got to be a post-mortem. Whatever you may say, I believe you're secretly a bit afraid that they may find something.'
    'I'm not in the least afraid of it,' said Fielding calmly. 'I hope they won't, for all your sakes, but if there's any doubt I want it cleared up.'
    Stella was unappeased. 'Well, it's pretty beastly for the rest of us. I must say I hoped you weren't going to give in to Aunt Gertrude. Couldn't you have stopped it all?'
    He raised his eyebrows rather quizzically. 'My dearest child! What about my professional reputation?'
    'I don't know, but you said yourself you were prepared to sign a death certificate. I can't understand your wanting a post-mortem. Supposing they do find poison? Everyone knows uncle had a row with you about me, and it seems to me the police are quite likely to start suspecting you of having given him poison.'
    'They can suspect what they like,' said Fielding coolly. 'But they'll be darned clever if they manage to prove that I ever administered poison to your uncle. Don't you worry your head about me, Stella: I haven't the slightest reason to fear a post-mortem.'
    'Of course I didn't mean that I thought you really might have poisoned uncle,' said Stella. 'But it does seem to me that things are going to be fairly beastly one way and another. The only nice part of it is that we shall be able to get married now without an awful fight. I don't think mother really minds about it. She's much more wrapped up in Guy than she is in me.'
    He stretched out his hand to her across the table. 'Well, that's a very nice part, anyway.'
    She nodded. 'Yes, because I hate rows. I should have married you whatever uncle said, but it makes it easier now that he's dead.'
    Fielding got up, and came round behind her chair. 'I'm going to ring for Jenner to bring in the next course,' he said, laying his hands on her shoulders. 'But first I must kiss you.'
    She raised her face, and as he bent over her put her hand to caress his lean cheek. 'How many girls have you kissed, like that?' she asked, when she was able.
    'Crowds,' he said, laughing.
    She smiled, but said seriously: 'I expect that's true. You were keen on Betty Mason before you thought of me, weren't you?'
    'Oh, I'm not throwing a jealous fit,' Stella assured him. 'You needn't mind admitting it. I think you're rather the type that can't help making love to girls who aren't actually cross-eyed or hare-Tipped. I shall probably have an awful time with you when we're married.'
    'It sounds as though it's I who will have the awful time,' he replied teasingly.
    'Well, I must say I shouldn't like it if you got off with anyone else now that you're engaged to me,' admitted Stella.
    'I'll watch my step,' he promised, walking over to the bell and setting his finger on it.
    Jenner's entrance put an end to the conversation. He brought word of two patients awaiting the doctor in the surgery.
    'Who are they?' asked Fielding.
    'Young Jones, sir, and Mrs Thomas about her little girl's leg.'
    'Oh, well, tell them I don't see patients until two o'clock. Put the clocks back, or something.'
    'Very good, sir.'
    'Don't think you've got to stay here because of me,' said Stella. 'I'm just going anyway.'
    'It's nobody who matters,' he said lightly.
    Stella looked at him with a hint of austerity in her candid eyes. 'You don't only care about the people who matter, do you, Deryk?'
    'Of course not, but there's nothing urgent about these cases. Have some more cream?'
    'No, thanks. If it's Mrs Thomas from North End Cottages I do wish you'd go. She told Aunt Harriet that Minnie dreads having her leg dressed, and I must say I'm not surprised. I hate kids to be scared, don't you? I used to be at the dentist's, and he always kept me waiting, which made it worse.'
    He got up, pushing his chair back, and said ruefully: 'You're

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