Behind the Pine Curtain

Read Behind the Pine Curtain for Free Online

Book: Read Behind the Pine Curtain for Free Online
Authors: Gerri Hill
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deserve it.”
    “No, you don’t. It wasn’t like you ran away or anything. I’m sorry, Jackie.” Kay again wrapped her arms around Jacqueline, pulling her into another hug. “It’s just such a shock to see you. Couldn’t call first, huh?”

    “I wasn’t certain I would even look you up. But Rose and your mother insisted.”
    Kay’s eyes widened. “You’ve seen them?”
    “Stopped by the café for coffee. In fact, your mother invited me for dinner tonight.”
    Kay laughed. “She would. She always loved you. Did she tell you she told your mother off?”
    Jacqueline’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re kidding. When?”
    “When we found out she’d sent you away. Mama drove right over to your parents’ house, rang the bell and let her have it, right there on the front step.”
    “All this time, I imagined everyone hating me, glad I was out of their lives. I didn’t think anyone would care,” Jacqueline admitted.
    “Oh, Jackie, you’re not serious? We loved you, no matter what. Yo u shouldn’t have been alone.” Kay paused. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
    “I thought you would hate me.”
    “Hate you? I loved you.”
    Jacqueline shrugged. “I was a kid. I hardly knew what was going on myself, Kay. I certainly didn’t think you would understand. And I was scared to tell you.”
    Kay sighed. “You’re probably right. I freaked out when I heard. I was angry with you for not telling me, but I was confused, too. And . . .”
    “And all those times we slept together,” Jacqueline supplied.
    Kay blushed. “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant.”

    “Don’t be sorry. I don’t blame you for thinking that.”
    The phone rang, and Kay grabbed Jacqueline’s arm. “Don’t you dare go away.” She hurried to the counter, picking up the phone in a smooth motion. “Kay’s Hallmark.” A smile. “Yes, she’s here now.”
    Jacqueline grinned, then turned away to give Kay privacy. And herself.
    This wasn’t anything like she’d imagined their reunion being. She expected anger, yes, but she was surprised that they’d picked up their bickering as if they’d not been apart for fifteen years. Oh, they could get into some arguments in the old days. But through it all, they were the best of friends. Until they got older, until Jacqueline started feeling things. God, it was all she could do to be around Kay then. And when they started dating boys, when Kay would go out alone with Billy Ray Renfro, it was all Jacqueline could do to not follow them to make sure that Kay was all right. Her eyes widened, wondering if Billy Ray was the one Kay had married. God, she hoped not. Billy Ray was a loser.
    “Well, I’m officially invited to dinner. Mama is so excited you’re back.
    She’s got a cookout planned. I hope you’re ready for that.”
    “That’ll be great. It’ll be good to see everyone again. Rose’s got four kids, huh?”
    “Oh yeah. And I spoil them rotten.”
    “Yeah? What about you? Any little Kays running around?”
    Kay shook her head. “No kids.”
    “I’d have thought you’d have a house full by now. Why not?” Kay shrugged. “Just didn’t happen.”
    Jacqueline nodded. Wrong subject. Well, perhaps later she’d ask more.
    “I should let you get back to work. And I should check in with Mary.
    She’s probably wondering what trouble I’ve gotten into.”

    “Mary? You brought . . . you brought someone with you?”
    Jacqueline laughed. “No. Mary Lawrence. I’m staying with them.”
    “Oh. I see. I guess staying at your folk’s place is out of the question, huh?”
    “I haven’t seen my mother yet. She doesn’t know I’m here.”
    Kay lowered her head. “I’m sorry. I completely forgot the reason you’re here.”
    “It’s okay. It’s not like I . . . I feel anything, you know. He was my father, but I lost my family a long time ago. Any grieving I did is well in the past.”
    Kay nodded sadly. “I understand.”

    “I knew if anyone welcomed you with open

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