Behind His Eyes - Convicted: The Missing Years
requests on Tony’s home computer, but regardless of the mode of hire, Derek Burke appeared to be an asset to Rawlings Industries. Brent wasn’t sure when, or if, Tony would once again be personally involved in the day-to-day workings of Rawlings Industries, but he made a mental note to tell Tony about Burke. He was a natural: professional, eloquent, and a wonder to watch. The young man’s negotiating skills were stellar. With his potential, Brent believed that he had a bright future with Rawlings Industries.
    With time to allow his mind to wander, one thought led to another. Thinking about his own day’s duties and telling Tony about Derek reminded Brent of Tony’s plans for the day. More than once, fleeting thoughts manifested themselves as Brent wondered what was transpiring at the estate. He was concerned: could things—for once—go the way they were meant to go for Tony and Claire? It seemed that the deck had been stacked against them since before they knew one another. Truth be told, it was. Tony had confirmed it months ago, as had Claire to Courtney. As much as they both loathed their friends’ history, seeing them last night with their beautiful daughter helped to confirm Brent and Courtney’s wishes for their future. After all Tony and Claire had endured, they both deserved better. Brent hoped that their coming back to the United States and helping John and Emily wouldn’t dampen their future. With Nichol in the game, the stakes were much higher.
    After the captain announced their altitude and the little bell dinged, Brent leaned his chair back and opened the eBook app on his phone. He’d placed it on airplane mode much earlier than necessary. It helped with the relaxation. Despite the fact that Brent had been actively involved in the attempts to stop the publication of Meredith Banks’ book My Life as It Didn’t Appear , he still purchased the book out of morbid curiosity the day it came out. He wondered how Ms. Banks would sensationalize what Brent had read in a more clinical legal brief.
    Brent wasn’t blind or deaf. He heard whispers and murmurs. He knew that he wasn’t the only member of the Rawlings Industries legal team to buy the book. Everyone was intrigued. However, as a close friend of both Tony and Claire, when asked, Brent maintained his stance, continually professing that he had no desire to add to Ms. Banks’ rankings or bank account. Perhaps it was a misleading statement, but it was not an outright lie.
    When Brent first downloaded the book, he was only able to read as far as the author’s introduction that explained Meredith and Claire’s relationship, setting the stage for the details to come. Brent had tried to read Claire’s words, but couldn’t. Knowing without doubt that what he was about to read was completely accurate made it too painful. Nevertheless, curiosity is a strange beast. Despite best intentions or convictions, it doesn’t fall asleep and quietly fade away. No. If left unfed, curiosity becomes a hunger that grows in strength and voracity until it monopolizes unconscious thoughts and dreams.
    Seeing his friends last night gave Brent the sustenance he needed to move past Meredith’s introduction. Seeing firsthand that Tony and Claire’s relationship had matured, and watching them with Nichol, gave him the necessary strength to continue reading. He was ready to read the words, knowing that through Meredith, Claire spoke of the past—a dark past, but nonetheless, a time that was gone, never to be repeated.
    Brent also justified his reading as company research. If the world had a perception of Anthony Rawlings, as his personal attorney, Brent needed to understand it. Sitting in a commercial airplane at thirty thousand feet gave Brent that opportunity. It was undoubtedly a better place to read Meredith’s story than on a Rawlings Industries plane.

    My Life as It Didn’t Appear: Chapter 1…

    Imagine, if you will, that you are suddenly keeping company with one of

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