Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800

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Book: Read Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800 for Free Online
Authors: Khaled El-Rouayheb
    Sidqi, ‘Abd al-Rahman. Alḥan al-ḥan. Cairo, 1947.
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    Thornton, B. S. Eros: The Myth of Ancient Greek Sexuality. Boulder and Oxford, 1997.
    Tietze, A., ed. and trans. Mustafa ‘Ali’s Description of Cairo of 1599. Vienna, 1975.
    Trimingham, J. S. The Sufi Orders in Islam. New York and Oxford, 1971.
    Tucker, J. E. In the House of the Lczw: Gender and Islamic Law in Ottoman Syria and Palestine. Berkeley, 1998.
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    Vanggaard,T. Phallos. London, 1969.
    Wafer, J. “Vision and Passion: The Symbolism of Male Love in Islamic Mysticism.” In S. O. Murray and W. Roscoe, eds., Islamic Homosexualities. New York, 1997.
    Wehr, H. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Edited by J. M. Cowan. Beirut and London, 1971 .
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    Abu al-Su‘ud Efendi(d. 1574)
    Abu Hanifah (d. 767)
    Abu Nuwas (d. ca. 815)
    Abu Yusuf al-Qazwini(d. 1095)
    active and passive, importance of distinction between
    active sodomist. See luti
    ‘Adawial-Sa‘idi, ‘Alial- (d. 1775)
    Adib, Jirjis al- (d. 1727/8)
    ‘Adnani, al-Khaṭīb al-
    aestheticism: and cultural refinement—60; mystical
    ʿAjlunī, Ismaʿīl al- (d. 1749)
    Akrami, Ibrahim al- (d. 1638)
    ʿAlī Bey al-Kabīr (d. 1773)
    Alusi, Mahmud al- (d. 1854)
    ‘Alwan al-Hamawi(d. 1530)
    ʿĀmilī, Bahāʾ al-Dīn al- (d. 1621)
    ʿĀmilī, Zayn al-Din al- (d. 1558)
    Amin, Ahmad
    Anouti, Oussama
    Ansari, Zakariyya al- (d. 1520)
    AntakiDawud al- (d. 1599)
    ‘Aqqad, ʿAbbas Mahmud al-
    Arabian Nights, The
    Arabian Nights: A Companion, The (Irwin)
    Ashbah wa al-nazaʾir, al- (Ibn Nujaym)
    ʿAttar, Hasan al- (d. 1834)
    ‘Aydarusi, ‘Abd al-Rahman al- (d. 1778)
    ʿAyniyyaha, al- (Jīlī)
    Azhar, al- (college)
    ‘Azizial-Bulaqi, ‘Alī al- (d. 1659)

    Babi, Mustafaal- (d. 1681)
    backgammon ( nard)
    Badi‘i, Yusuf al- (d. 1662/3)
    Badrial-Hijazi, Hasan al- (d. 1718/9)
    Baghdadi, ‘Abd al-Qadir al- (d. 1682)
    Bahr al-raʾiq sharhKanz al-daqaʾiq, al- (Ibn Nujaym)
    Bajuri, Ibrahim al- (d. 1860)
    Bakkar, Yusuf Husayn al-
    Bakri, Mustafaal- (d. 1749)
    Baʿlī, ʿAbd al-Rahman al- (d. 1778/9)
    Baqi(d. 1600)
    Baqli, Ruzbihan (d. 1209)
    Barbir, Ahmad al- (d. 1817)
    Basha, ʿUmar Musa
    BasiriLaw al- (d. 1762)
    Batruni, Ibrahim al- (d. 1642/3)
    Bauer, Thomas
    Bayluni, Fathallah al- (d. 1632/3)
    beard-down. See ‘idhar
    beardless boys: contrasted with downy-cheeked youths in belles-lettres; objects of pederasts’ desire
    beards: cultural significance of; plucking of. See also my
    beauty, love of See aestheticism
    belles-lettres: the love of boys as a

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